Behind The Fine Face episode 20



My pointless drive was quite long. I just kept matching the accelerator, not caring how fast I was going or where I was going.

I was driving with a lot of rage, hurt, and hatred. I wasn’t sure to whom all of those emotions were directed, but I felt them nonetheless.

I felt the urge to hurt myself or someone else.

The voices in my head, like Google Maps, began to direct me to a location I recognized but had never visited before.

I had a destination for the first time on this drive. I suddenly had a mental picture of where I was going, even though it was a strange place.

I matched the accelerator more than ever, wishing it could go any faster than 240 km/h.

I’d driven quite a distance when I suddenly realized the seriousness of what I’d done back at home; to my wife. My mouth was agape, as if a veil had just been lifted from my face.

As if one of the goals of this long, fast drive was to die, and my autopsy report reads “accident”; I instinctively applied the brakes at 240 km/h.

I awoke to bright lights; lots of bright lights. I awoke in an unusual location, something resembling an open field but not quite a field. It was tastefully furnished, but it was far too large to be a parlor and far too furnished to be just an event hall.

I craned my neck to look around, hoping to spot something unusual, but nothing in my surroundings seemed familiar.

I managed to get into a vertical position. I tried to move my body to see if I was okay or if I was in any way hurt.

Because I couldn’t remember anything, I was operating solely on instinct. I had no idea where I was or how I got here.

I finally got to my feet and started walking aimlessly.

I began to call out, as anyone in my situation would, hoping that someone was out there, somewhere.

Before spotting what seemed to be a human from a distance, I had wandered around for a considerable amount of time. I shouted, but it didn’t seem like this person could hear me at this distance.

I took to my heels and ran in its direction, eventually catching up with this “person” after a long run.

Something about the person in front of me with his back turned looked very familiar at this close range. I could have sworn I knew who I was looking at. But it couldn’t have been this person, despite the fact that every indication pointed to him.

I still had no idea where I was or what we were doing here.

I moved closer while continuously calling out because this person had been backing me the entire time and had made no move to indicate acknowledgement of my presence.

I kept moving in closer, hoping to get a better look.

I finally made it to him.

“Hello!” I called out but received no response. “Hello! Can you hear me? Where are we and what am I doing here?” This time, I asked, but I didn’t get an acknowledgement of my presence.

At this close range, there was no way this person couldn’t hear me, but for some reason, he wasn’t acting like he could.

I got closer; so close that a stretch now guarantees that I’ll make contact. When I lifted my hand and finger for a tap on his shoulder, I finally got the attention I’d been looking for.

I almost passed out from shock when this person turned around. “It’s impossible.” I murmured. “Uncle T? How on earth is this even possible?

Standing in front of me was my “very dead” uncle. I couldn’t have been more confused. I tried to say something, anything, but I couldn’t get the right tone in my voice. I was too scared and shocked to say anything other than the first few words that came to mind.

Uncle T seemed to be busy as he walked from one end of the room to the other. I watched as Uncle T flew from one end of the large open field to the other in a matter of seconds.

I finally found the strength to speak, and as soon as I did, I began to bombard Uncle T with questions in the hopes that he would clarify what was going on.

“What did they say about a fly that refused to listen to advice, Godwin?” Uncle T inquires.

To be continued…
Moshood Avidiime

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