Behind The Fine Face episode 14


“Leave me alone, Kenneth, leave me. How does this even concern you? Do you have to show yourself every time? I already told you just now to let this one be; he is on a lost course.”
I hear myself talking, but everything I am saying is gibberish to my ears.

I was uttering those words, but nothing about them made any sense to me. I had no idea what I was talking about, but it didn’t sound like it because I spoke with a lot of purpose, a lot of disgust, and a lot of hate and anger.
I could no longer see anyone else in the room at this point.

My eyes were fixated on Prophet U.C. Kenneth, and at this rate at which everything about him irritates me, I think for the first time in his life, he has met his match.
I was still trying to let Prophet U.C. Kenneth know that this was not his business when his lips began to form paths for words, trying to interrupt me, but my swift palm to his cheek soon slapped the taste out of his mouth.

This certainly threw everyone off balance. No one definitely saw that one coming. They were probably wondering what had gotten into me and why I had the guts to slap Prophet U.C. Kenneth.

I was wondering the same thing myself.
Prophet U.C. Kenneth was smiling the whole time. He didn’t react like anyone at the receiving end of such a thunderous slap would have.

Everyone in sight was probably wondering what this man had up his sleeve. Everyone besides me of course, because at this point, I was sure that Prophet U.C. Kenneth was no match for me.
I swung at Prophet U.C. Kenneth to follow the slap on his cheek with a combination I was confident would leave him immobile for a very, very long time; to put him in his place forever, when I was intercepted midway. Not by a person or anything physical, but by an unfathomable force.

I was literally lifted off the ground and suspended in the air for what seemed like eternity before I came crashing down with a thud.
Upon that impact with the ground, I began to regain consciousness bit by bit.

I could have sworn that I heard my own skull crack.
Unlike before, I could now see other people.
Bobby and Rachael were clinging to each other by a corner, as if terrified of whatever had lifted me off the ground and what would come next.
Prophet U.C. Kenneth’s secretary, in the company of other men whom I assume to be “pastors,” had long begun to pray.
I was too weak to get up from where I’d crash-landed. I was too dazed to clearly know what was going on.

I knew something was wrong. I just didn’t know what it was exactly.
Prophet U.C. Kenneth walked up to me, placed a hand on my head, and went on to mutter words I could only imagine were prayers, perfecting what must have been a deliverance session. He went at it for about five minutes before he declared me free (to the glory of God).

Prophet U.C. Kenneth stretched his hands forth and asked me to “rise.”
Prophet U.C. Kenneth led Bobby, Rachael, and me into his office, asking everyone else to stay back. He shut the door afterwards and went on to turn on the air conditioner before asking what he could offer us.
“Nothing sir!” Bobby and Rachael chorused, but not me.

I wish I could have been unassuming enough to have said “nothing” as well, but I couldn’t. I was too weak and, at the time, too frail to have been able to let this offer pass.
Prophet U.C. Kenneth laughed when I asked if it wouldn’t be too much of a bother if I could have something to swallow. He seemed to understand what was going on within me and didn’t think my request was ridiculous.
I was sitting across from a delicious plate of pounded yam and vegetable soup moments later.

I eat as though I’d not eaten in days, to the astonishment of my spectators (Rachael and Bobby).
My experience was distinct from most cases of possession where the possessed is completely unaware of what happened. I recalled every single detail, including how upset I became whenever Prophet U.C. Kenneth spoke.
The prophet cut me off in the middle of my apology, rejecting each and every one of them. “You have a lot to apologize for, but those certainly aren’t one of them,” he said, as he readjusted his seat and cleared his throat.
“I am sorry it took coolval stories you so long to finally get an audience, brother Ezekiel (Bobby).” Prophet U.C. Kenneth started things off. “You see, the way of God is not the way of man. What we mere mortals consider a delay is usually the opposite for our maker. There is never such a thing as a delay with God when it has to do with handling our affairs. Brother Ezekiel, God sees everything you are going through, and has set the road leading to your redemption through me. I will not deliver you, brother Ezekiel; HE will. You were guided here today so that you may have your eyes opened.”
Bobby’s gaze was drawn to Prophet U.C. Kenneth’s, and Rachael and I sat watching with bated breath to see what the prophet’s lips were patting for.
I was just starting to understand what Prophet U.C. Kenneth was saying when he said those cold words that stunned everyone in the room, especially me.

“Rachael…” Prophet U.C. Kenneth called, turning to face Rachael with a look of obvious sadness on his face. “I regret that you had to experience everything you have. I’m sorry you had to wonder what you ever did to bring such bad fortune to the only two guys you’ve ever actually loved and been with, as you went to bed most evenings.” Prophet U.C. Kenneth now turned to face me with a slender smile. “But only if you were aware.”
“Aware ke!” Bobby, Rachel and I murmured all at the same time.
At this point, I could obviously see the perplexity on Rachel’s face. Bobby felt the same way. I wouldn’t say I wasn’t, but at this particular moment, curiosity overcame confusion for me. Having just experienced a deliverance session that I didn’t know I needed, I had a gut feeling that there was yet more shock in store.
“Rachel! He has been the root of your issue the entire time” Prophet U.C. Kenneth stated, gesturing in my direction.

To be continued…
Moshood Avidiime

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