Behind The Fine Face episode 12


“He said to tell you that the mighty tree that was recently uprooted in your family is just the first of a few more to follow.”

Grace walked past me, making her way into the room after uttering those words.
I stood still for a couple of minutes, trying to process this information. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts to decipher those words, I fell back on my earlier presupposition. “That man was spouting rubbish.”
Since Uncle T and I haven’t really been that close until the situation with Bobby that had to reconnect us; besides the fact that “we” were really looking forward to what he could have done to remedy Bobby’s case, I didn’t really miss Uncle T’s absence.

I never really sat down to think about what had happened to Uncle T, and I doubt I connected it to anything he was working on at the time of his death. I didn’t, until the night Grace (my wife) told me about her message from this mystery guy she’d met at the meat stand in the market.

When I went to sleep that night, for the first time in “Never,” I saw Uncle T in my dream.
Uncle T was exactly as I’d remembered him. He was dressed in his favorite attire and was as calm as ever, until he had to be animated to drive home a message.
“I sent your wife to you, and you had the audacity to dismiss my words, abi?” I told you to steer clear of a situation you know absolutely nothing about, a situation God has already delivered you from in the past, and you are stubbornly refusing to do so, right? Do you want what happened to me to happen to you? Do you think that you can do any better than I could have? I have more eyes than you can ever count, yet I met my death at the hands of those evil forces, and you think your case will be any different if you keep pushing this?” Uncle T said, with a facial expression clearly depicting displeasure. “Your phone will ring, confirming an appointment you’ve been trying to book for a long time now. My son, you’ll have to cancel it for your own sake, for your safety, and for the peace of mind of my sister, your mother. You have to cancel…”

“… Uncl… Wai… Wait… Wait Uncle! What are you talking about? You were murdered. By whom? Uncle wait na. Please talk to me.” Were the words on my lips when I awoke.
I couldn’t go back to sleep again after that dream about Uncle T.

It felt too real to have been a dream.

Every single word Uncle T uttered kept ringing in my ears as though he were still around, reiterating them.
Every attempt by Grace to get me to spill or to explain the meaning of the gibberish I’d woken up spewing, proved abortive.
Up until this moment, I still hadn’t told my wife anything about Bobby’s situation; about Bobby’s wife being my ex-wife. It’s not like I didn’t want to; I just hadn’t found the right time to.
I was scared to go back to sleep that night. I was scared of what I’d be closing my eyes to.

I’ve never desired “daybreak” like I did that night.

I was hysterical. Grace tried to calm me down. She stayed up most of the night with me, my head on her laps, patting me to sleep. I must have found all of that soothing, eventually, because the sound of my ringtone woke me up the next morning.
I let the phone ring the first time, but the persistence of this caller had me dragging myself out of bed to pick up the phone before the third attempt rang out.
I looked beside me to find Grace fast asleep. “Poor girl, she must have been up all night.” I thought to myself.
“Hello!” I called out.

“Hello! The prophet is in town now. You’ve been scheduled for an appointment for 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. Note: It is better that you are here waiting for him to join you, whenever he can, than having him wait for you.” The young lady on the other end of the line said before hanging up the phone.

“Finally,” I muttered, before I went back to sleep.
Booking an appointment to see Prophet U.C. Kenneth is no easy task. Unless you are lucky and he fingers you out in his crowd during a prophetic ministration and deliverance session, it is usually a long shot trying to get him alone, in the same room.

Bobby and I had been to Prophet U.C. Kenneth’s church for three weeks in a row (attending even midweek services), but we had never been lucky enough to get an audience, until now.

No man of God in the country held a candle to Prophet U.C. Kenneth. He received national and even international acclaim for his outstanding achievements. He has saved hundreds of thousands of souls and delivered people from spirits that no one could have predicted. If anyone could restore Bobby to what he once was, Prophet U.C. Kenneth is undeniably the one.
Bobby was the most excited of us upon hearing about the call I’d received. He couldn’t wait until the next day.
We were at Prophet U.C. Kenneth’s office at exactly 7:18 a.m. the next morning. Because we didn’t want to hear, “Go and come back with your wife in a fortnight,” we decided to go with Rachael this time around.
“Whatever needs to be done must surely end today.” Bobby muttered, as I pulled up in the parking lot of Prophet U.C. Kenneth’s massive office space.
We didn’t have to wait for too long before Prophet U.C. Kenneth arrived at his office. Upon sighting us, Prophet U.C. Kenneth began to speak in tongues. He became very animated, swaying from left to right and screaming at the top of his lungs as if he were communicating with something in the room; something we obviously couldn’t see.

To be continued…
Moshood Avidiime

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