Perpetual episode 6


Episode 6️⃣

Perps, congratulations on your engagement. I’m so happy for you. Amara said with an excited look on her face.

Thanks, darling. Perpetual responded.

But Perps, don’t you think this engagement comes too fast? Have you taken the time to know him well? Have you met his family members, gotten to know the exact things he does for a living, and his likes and dislikes? Amara asked.

What is marriage without me knowing all this? I don’t need to date him forever before knowing all these you listed. Just like many will say someone you met today might have better intentions for you than someone you’ve known long ago. Derrick is down to earth and there is something so special about him. He’s just different from the other guys I’ve come across so far. Perpetual said.

You are right anyway. You don’t need forever to know one… Well, I spoke with Lekwachi not quite long and he asked of you. From the sound of his voice, you will know he misses you so much, and funny enough Lekwachi has changed into a better guy. I just don’t know why you didn’t give him one last chance. Amara said.

Amarachi, I don’t expect you to keep mentioning Lekwachi’s name around me anymore. I’m about to get married soon and I’d forgotten everything about Lekwachi a long time ago. Please, I beg you never to mention his name around me again, please. Perpetual tells Amara.

You are only engaged Perps not married. There’s no wrong thing keeping two guys in case one disappoints. You can still give Lekwachi a chance. Nobody knows what tomorrow has in stock for us. Lekwachi might turn out to be the man you have been wanting.

So you know all this all this while I was dating Lekwachi. How come you didn’t tell me to get another side guy in case Lekwachi disappoints me? Amara, please let’s not continue this conversation about Lekwachi I don’t want to talk about it anymore.

Lekwachi, see Perpetual is now engaged. The best thing for you now is to let her be because soon she will be getting married. Amara tells Lekwachi.

Never will I let her be. Perpetual, can never dump me like that! No woman has ever done that. Lekwachi said.

Wait, let me understand something here, are you fighting to have Perpetual back so you will date and be the one to dump her or do you still have feelings for her? Amara asked Lekwachi.

It can be any of them you mentioned. Lekwachi said.

Hmmm, Perpetual has slipped out of you. There’s nothing you or I can do to stop her from getting married to Derrick not even the strongest native doctor can prepare the charm. Amara said.

Oh, Derrick, that’s the guy’s name. Thanks for the name but I still need more information about the guy. Lekwachi said.

I don’t have any information about the guy and I’m not ready to get more information about him for you. Leave me out of this please I don’t want to become a suspect if anything goes wrong tomorrow. Amara said.

Something will go wrong tomorrow and if you don’t play your part well you will go in for it. Is too late for you but if I can have all my money now I will let you be I won’t disturb you over it again. Lekwachi said.

Do you know who I saw today? Perpetual asked Precious.

Who, tell me. Precious asked.

I met Sam, Lekwachi’s friend as I was driving out from Ozy Plaza. I stopped for him and I gave him a lift. Derrick even called me in his presence babe you needed to see me in a romantic mood woah! I will pepper all of them in this area. From A to Z who were applauding and supporting Lekwachi, I will choke them all to déàth. Perpetual said.

You did what? Don’t try something like that again. What if Derrick had seen you carrying another guy in his car what explanation would you have given him? Precious said.

Babe, forget it. It’s a payback time and God is aware of it. Perpetual said.

I pray you know what you are doing. Precious said and inserted her ear pod.

I regret accepting to play this game with you but if you continue threatening me I will walk up to Perpetual and tell her about the whole thing and be free from you. Amara said.

Walk up to her then and tell her everything let me know if you will remain that trusted and loyal friend to her. Girl, what I’m asking from you is not difficult. Okay, fine if you can convince Perpetual to return to me I promise I will marry her. How about that? Lekwachi said.

You are not yourself because if you were you would have heard me when I said Amara is now engaged. Amara said.

Okay, you know what you will do for me? I want all the information about her boyfriend. Each piece of information about him you give me is two hundred thousand. Deal? Lekwachi who knows Amara doesn’t resist money made another offer.

Amara kept mute for some seconds before responding to Lekwachi.

Okay, if it is only that I will try my best. Amara said.

The next day Lekwachi paid Perpetual a visit to her house.

Lekwachi what are you doing in my house? Perpetual asked as she blocked Lekwachi’s path from entering her house.

I came to see you so we can work things out. Lekwachi responded.

As you can see there’s nothing to work out. I guess you are seeing her finger? She is so taken. Perpetual go inside and let me attend to him. Precious who overheard their conversation came out and stood in their middle.

Who are you, please? I’m not here to see a lunàtîc I’m here to see my girlfriend. Lekwachi asked.

Hahaha! You asked me who I am. The hard drûgs you consume have caused a lot of damage in your head that you can’t recognize people you once dined and wined with. Me and you who is a lunàtic? All this while I’ve been looking for a way to tell you you are just the typical example of hóóligan and the real definition of a prodigal son. Do you think I’ve not heard your story and who you are? Precious said to Lekwachi.

Lekwachi raised his hands and was tempted to slap Precious.

What did you try to do? You raised your hand hand to hît me. Try it and let me see how we can not lock up here and call the police on you.

Presh It’s okay. come inside neighbors are watching. Perpetual said.

Perpetual and Precious went inside and shut the door on Lekwachi.

You both just made the wórst mistáke of your lives. Lekwachi said.

To be continued…

Written by Amaka Ember.

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