Clicked episode 6


When Jeff got back from work, he found Tricia glaring at him in the sitting room with empty bottles of alcoholic wine littering on the table.

“Tricia?.” He called out not believing his eyes.

“Hahahaha.” Tricia burst into laughter. “Here comes the perfectionist. The almighty Jeff.” She said pointing at him with a mischievous smirk across her lips.

“What have you done to yourself?.” He asked dropping his suitcase on the sofa. He walked closer to Tricia and tried putting away the empty bottles. But Tricia grabbed his hand and pulled him to herself. Jeff struggled to free himself from her grip but she grabbed his collar instead.

“Stop this nonsense Tricia. You are drunk for Christ sake.” Jeff said forcefully freeing himself from her grip.

He stood up and adjusted his shirt.

“What wrong have I done to you?. Why must you talk to me the way you did this morning?. Is it a crime to be different from you?. I grew up in a home where I was never given compliments or love. Everything I did was always wrong in the sight of my step mom. She was one of the main reasons why I chose to go into this contract marriage in the first place. Hoping that I would be able to find peace and freedom here. But reverse is the case. You are no different from my step mom. You are all thesame. Always wanting me to become a shadow of myself. Always making me feel inferior. I lived all my life hiding away from people I called family. Little did I know that I will also live here in hiding as well.” She said drunkenly standing to her feet.

She tried taking a step forward but missed her step and Jeff had to quickly grab her by the waist to stop her from falling. She looked at Jeff and scoffed at him. Then she grabbed his collar and said,

“Jeff, you are so mean, thoughtless, selfish, stupid, inconsiderate and senseless. I hate you from the bottom of my heart. You are so full of yourself. How can one man have so many rules and principles?. Do you think you are above mistakes?.” She said.

Then leaving his collar, she pushed him aside and continued.

“You know what?. I’m done. I can’t take this anymore. Let me just go back to my miserable life and leave you alone. Fuck you Jeff. Fuck your principles, fuck your rules, fuck your ego, fuck your house, infact fuck everything about you. Go to hell for all I care.” She cursed drunkenly.

“Just be careful. You might injure yourself Tricia.” Jeff said feeling concerned.

“Shut up!.” Tricia shouted at him.

Jeff had to shut himself up and watched her walked towards the door. While Tricia was walking towards the door, she fell down and slept off.

“Tricia?. Tricia.” Jeff called from where he sat. He quickly got up and rushed up to Tricia who had dozed off from where she fell.

“Was I really harsh on her this morning?.” Jeff wondered feeling remorseful.

He had to carry her into her room and laid her on her bed. As he turned to go, Trisha woke up again and started crying.

“Tricia?. What is it this time?.” Jeff wondered totally confused on what to do in situation like that. He had to walk closer and tapped her back in order to console her. But at the course of consoling her. Tricia did the unimaginable.

She grabbed his shirt and wiped her tears. As if that was not enough, she used it to clean her running nose. At this point, Jeff almost lost his calmness. He literally freezed as he clenched his fist so hard trying to suppress his anger from taking total control of him.

“Tricia!!!!.” He shouted so loud in anger.

And all Tricia did was give him a bright smile after which, she fell back to her bed and dozed off peacefully like nothing happened.

Waking up the next morning, Tricia felt dizziness and lightheadedness as she tried getting off from bed.

“My head really hurts.” She said placing her palm on her head.

She slowly got off from bed and walked into her bathroom where she washed her face. Staring at herself in the mirror, her brain started recollecting the incidence that occurred between she and Jeff the previous night.

“Oh my goodness!. Tricia what have you done?.” She shouted with her hands placed on her head.

“What should I do now?.” She wondered bitting her nails.

Just then, she recalled the insultive words she used on Jeff.

“Jeff, you are so mean, thoughtless, selfish, stupid, inconsiderate and senseless. I hate you from the bottom of my heart. You are so full of yourself. How can one man have so many rules and principles?. Do you think you are above mistakes?. You know what?. I’m done. I can’t take this anymore. Let me just go back to my miserable life and leave you alone. Fuck you Jeff. Fuck your principles, fuck your rules, fuck your ego, fuck your house, infact fuck everything about you. Go to hell for all I care.”

“Ahhhhh!. Tricia.” She shouted placing her hands on her head.

While she was still thinking of how to face Jeff, she heard a knock at the door.

“It is finished!.” She shouted almost peeing on herself.

“Tricia. I know you are in there and you can hear me loud and clear. So open this door.” Jeff shouted.

“Okay, let’s take a deep breath. One, two, three.” Tricia said breathing in and out to calm her nerves.

Just then, she flashed back to how she had used Jeff’s shirt to wipe her tears as well as her nose the previous night.

“Ahhhhhhh. What the hell have I done?.” She exclaimed tapping her feet and hitting her hands on her thighs.

“Tricia. Open this door.” Jeff shouted again banging at the door.

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