Struck Down Episode 20&21


[EPISODES 20 & 21]

Debby and Dorothy were up and almost ready to join the rest.

“Let’s begin to thank God for everything He has done for us all, He’s worthy of our praise.” Mrs. Melody said with her eyes closed and in the mood of worship.

“Tell him how much you love Him. Just be free with Him and speak to Him from your heart, He loves to hear from you.” She urged and there was heartfelt worship raised to the father in the room that morning. After about half an hour of deep worship, Mrs. Melody raised a song of praise before they settled down.

“Today isn’t going to be business as usual. We’d shift the sharing of insight from our personal Bible reading to this evening, so we can focus on what God wants us to do this morning.” She said and flipped through the pages of her Bible.

“Let’s open our Bibles to Matt. 11:28-30. Can someone please read aloud for us?” Mrs. Melody said Edith stood up to read.

“Now I want us to be practical about this. Can we all just bow down our heads and begin to cast your burden upon Jesus? Start by acknowledging Him as the one that cares so much for you to the extent of wanting to take your yokes and burdens upon him in exchange for his which is easy and light.” Mrs. Melody said and everyone had their heads bowed, murmuring personal prayers to the Lord.

“Lord help me out of the mess I’ve gotten myself into. Please recreate and heal my wounded destiny. I really want to be all that you have designed me to be. I’m sorry I messed up, I never knew I was of any value to you, because j thought I was too common to be called.” Debby whispered in sincere prayers.

“Lord I know there’s something you want out of my life. I feel it within me but I don’t know what it is or even how to go about it. That’s why I’m here Lord, separating myself from the business of life just to get directions from you. Please Lord speak to me. Direct me. Show me the way I should go, the path I should tread, so I won’t end up going on a wrong path. Please Lord.” Dorothy said, whispering her prayers as well.

“Lord, I know I have anger issues- everyone complains about it, but no one seems to care to know why it is so. But Lord you know my story. You know me inside out and you know I wouldn’t have been the terrible person I am today if my parents just did the right thing, or at least considered their children whole making certain decisions. But Lord I don’t want to give any excuses for the way I am and that is why I am here, to ask for your healing. Lord heal my wounded and broken heart, and by extension heal my family. Help us be happy again. I remember Mrs. Melody say something sometime about the Holy Spirit; that He is the one that heals, teaches and reminds us of you. Please let the Holy Spirit overshadow my family and let divine healing begin to take place there. Please Lord, in Jesus name.” Joyce said wholeheartedly in prayers

“Lord I don’t know what is wrong with me. It seems as if there’s something in me that wants to take steps to knowing more about you, but there seems to be a stronger force making that a very difficult task. I find it very difficult to pray on my own, and to read my Bible. Whenever I want to pray, there’s this sudden fear of the unknown that grips me that I quickly end my prayers and find some other thing doing. Anytime I resolve to read my Bible, it seems as if that is the perfect time sleep feels it should visit me and even if I eventually fight the sleep, I find the Bible very boring that I close the Bible myself and find some other thing doing.

Lord these are my burdens, the yoke I’ve been carrying for a while now. It’s become too heavy for my me so I lay them at your feet this morning. Please give me a lighter and easy one, in Jesus name.” Edith said in prayers.

“In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.” Mrs. Melody said.

“AMEN 🙏.” They all chorused.

“May the Lord hear our prayers.”

“And let our cries come unto Him.” They chorused and had their seats.

“Today’s message is going to be very short but it’s an essential information we need if we really want to go far in our walk with God, and in life generally.” Mrs. Melody said as everyone paid rapt attention, some with their jotters to take notes.

“I’d love to title it, the secret you need to know.” Mrs. Melody said and paused for those who were writing to jot down the topic, before she continues.

“Honestly, if you go through the Bible, you’ll realize that problems didn’t start today to trouble mankind. There are so many people in the Bible who experienced issues in their lives and went to God in prayers to know the secret behind their problems.
A very good example was Rebecca. She was having an unpleasant experience in her pregnancy stage and so she decided to go to God in prayers to find out why it was so. It was then God told her of the two nations in her womb.

He even added jara and told them the kind of destinies they have.
So you see, Rebecca recieved the secrets of her pregnancy issue when she went to God in prayer.

It is very necessary as Christians to go to God to ask him the secret behind each situation we’re facing.

The truth is that the spiritual controls the physical. Nothing happens in your life without first being birthed in the spirit. In the same vein of you’re a child of God, no occurrence can take place in your life without first allowed by God and on most occasions He allows such occurrences for your learning.” Mrs. Melody said and paused.

“So that literally means when we were in the world, the enemy had a say over what happens to us, right?”

“Exactly, and that’s where I’m heading. Before you gave your life to Christ, every occurrence that took place in your life were ochastrated by the devil and his cohorts. So if you’ve given your life to Christ and you still notice the effect of certain occurrences in your life, it’s time to go to God in prayers and ask him to show you the secrets behind what you’re struggling with and use the information you’d receive from God to be set free.

Sometimes you still notice certain occurrences happen in your life even when you’ve given your life to Christ because your former Lord the devil still has a legal hold on you.” Mrs. Melody said and her last statement rang loudly in Debby’s ears.

“Does that mean the devil has a legal hold on me? Was that why I had that strange illness while in Charity’s place?” Debby thought aloud to herself.


“Yes ma’am, you asked to see me?” The senior pastor of the church Helen attends said.

“Yes. I’m sorry if my visits are becoming too frequent but I’m new into all these things and need proper guidance.” Mrs. Helen said and the pastor nodded for her to continue.

“For about a week now I’ve been praying for the salvation of my husband’s soul. I’ve been battling for his soul in prayers as you suggested; but I still don’t see any changes. Things are the same as it was when I was even praying at all.”

“Really? And how do you know that Ma? What gives you that assurance?”

“I know because whenever I finish my vigil and try talking to Him about God or try inviting Him to one of the church programs held here, his response remains the same.”

“Oh really?” The pastor said and chuckled for a while.

“Pastor it isn’t a funny matter at all. As a matter of fact I’m beginning to lose my patience and faith in prayers.”

“Wait calm down ma’am. You said after prayers you try talking to Him about God and things like that. Did I hear that right?”


“Hmmm… see that’s one problem we have to address.
You don’t go to God in prayers asking for help and attempt to answer the prayers yourself. That’s a sign of impatience, and it’s not the fruit of the Spirit at all.

When you intercede for someone, leave the person totally in the hands of the Holy Spirit. You don’t have to bother such person at all because no amount of your talks can change him, since you’re not the Holy Spirit.

Make your intercessions, pray on his behalf and let the Holy Spirit do His work.”


“But what Ma? Please do feel free”

“I hope it’s not going to take too long because I’ve always heard people murmur that God is so slow in answering prayers.” She said and the pastor laughed

“God is never late or slow Ma. He always comes at the right time.
Remember God is outside of time so He is never in a hurry.”

“Hmmmm……I hope He responds to my case as fast as I expect it because mine is urgent. I really need sanity back into my marriage.”


Debby was about going to sleep for the night when her phone rang.

“Hello mummy.”

“My lovely daughter. My lovable and kind asampete.” Mrs Eunice said to make her daughter blush.

“How are you my child, and how has things been over there?”

“We thank God Ma. I’m really learning alot here.”

“Okay o, please learn well o. You’d come and teach me everything you’ve learnt so I can grow more into Christ.” Debby’s mom said as Debby chuckled.

“No problem mommy.” Debby said. They gisted for a while before ending the call

“Why are you staring into space like that?” Debby asked Dorothy as soon as she ended the call with her mom and noticed her room lost in thoughts.

“Oh me? Nothing. I didn’t mean to stare.” Dorothy said

“Well, you remember Mrs. Melody talking to us sometime about the need to discover our gifts, especially in our youthful years right?”

“Yeah about that I’ve been praying and asking God to reveal to me the gifts he has placed inside of me, but I’ve not gotten any answers since.” Dorothy said

“Well, like Mrs. Melody said, such prayers need a whole lot of patience so girl be patient.” Debby said and Dorothy nodded in agreement.

“Anyways, how far with the book she recommended for us to read? What’s the name again? Concerning Spiritual Gifts by Kenneth Hagin. Have you read yours?” Debby asked.

“Not really. I haven’t even gone past page 1 sef. I’m a terrible reader, I know. But I’ve promised myself to go half the book before we leave this place.” Dorothy said.

“Me too. God help us all sha. Please when would lunch be ready? I’m more than famished already.”

“Chai….you’re so much of a foodie o.” Dorothy teases and in no time, someone came into their room to inform them that lunch was ready.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about.” Debby said happily and this gott Dorothy laughing.

“This girl you’re a foodie o, confirm one. I wonder how you’re going to survive by the time we begin fasting.”

“My dear, when we get to that bridge, we’d cross it. But as for now, sufficient unto this day is the evil thereof.” Debby said and Dorothy laughed out loud as they left their room to eat.

No words…..


“That’s it! I’ve been quiet for too long. I can’t be passive about this anymore.” Kadar said after several failed attempts to project evil into Chief’s dreams as a result of his wife’s prayers that night.

He turned around to check on Debby and shouted aloud in frustration

“I mustn’t lose two captives at a time. No! That’s not possible. I’ve been quiet for too long, now is the time to act.” He said and made certain incantations to open a portal to transport him to Debby’s room.


Dorothy woke up from her sleep in the middle of the night with a very strong urge to pray for Debby.

“But she’s fine. She’s not sick, neither did she complain to me about any bothering issue.” Dorothy thought, confused on how to go about praying for her roomie.

“Even if we don’t know what to pray as we ought, the spirit makes intercession for us.” A voice whispered within her and instantly she began to pray in tongues.


Kadar kept trying to create a portal all to no avail.

“What is happening?” He asked aloud and an image was shown. He looked closely and realized that the place he was trying to get teleported to was surrounded with fire🔥 and thick blood.

“Fire and blood? How possible?” He thought to himself.

“If you insist on going there despite what has been shown to you, just know I’m not going with you. You’re on your own.” A voice warmed from the altar within him as he tried creating a portal again with his incantations.

“I do not understand. Why all these strong oppositions?” He asked

“There are greater forces that value the souls you’re trying to capture so much.” The voice said Kadar thought deeply

“Does this mean these souls are servants to greater powers? Are there powers greater than the one I already know and serve diligently?”


That same morning, the two girls woke up early and went for morning devotion which lasted for an hour and a half.

As soon as they were done, Debby and Dorothy came back to their room. Debby was about heading to the restroom to take her bath when her head suddenly began to feel dizzy.

“Oh no no no, God no please. Not here too.” Debby pleaded prayerfully within, trying so hard not to get Dorothy’s attention.

“Deborah. Debby! Babe what is wrong with you?” Dorothy said as she hurriedly walked up to her.

“I feel…..heavy.”


All through the night, Kadar has been toiling to find a means to get to Debby and have her in captivity for as long as possible.

“Yes! Yes!! I knew my powers couldn’t fail me.” Kadar said rejoicingly as he watched his plans work perfectly on Debby who was losing her balance.


“Babe are you okay? Do I have to alert Mrs. Melody so we could take you to the nearest hospital?” Dorothy said with much concern the moment Debby opened her eyes.

“No, it’s not a matter of hospital. It’s more spiritual than physical.” Debby said faintly and coughed.

“Sorry dear, but what…..” Dorothy was about saying before she heard a word from within her.

“Evil material.”

“Evil material? God is that you speaking?” She reasoned within and decided to probe Debby.

“Do you know of any material in your possession that you must’ve gotten by a fetish means?” Dorothy asked

“Material? I don’t…..what are you talking about?”



Helen is seen driving back from church. The pastor had just thoroughly passed a message across to the congregation on the efficacy of prayers coupled with fasting.

She has a resolve in her heart not to give up over winning the soul of her husband back to God, and has decided to practice what has been taught in church today.


“Why? I can’t see anything anymore.” Kadar lamented as he had tried different incantations to have access to Debby’s room that night but it seemed impossible.

“Why is this particular assignment so frustrating?” He said and quickly rushed to get his phone..

“This captive of mine mustn’t go Scot free, never! Not after all my hard-work.” He said as he dialed a number.

“Now listen to me and listen good. You have just three days ……three days to find that girl. And she must be brought here, after you must’ve been done with the required rituals to be carried out on her. Three days!”


Debby had just finished her short prayers that night and was about picking her Bible to read when she suddenly began to feel feverish.

“God no, I thought this had gone the moment I stepped into this place?” She thought in panic and just then she remembered one of Mrs. Melody’s teachings.

“Sometimes if not most times, the enemy has free access into one’s life because his material is still in possession. That way he has the legal right to afflict you without much resistance.” She recalled Mrs. Melody say in one of their evening devotions.

“Ask God to show you the secret of this affliction.” A thought came to her heart and she began praying in that direction.

Dorothy has been praying long before Debby began hers

“Lord what material were you talking about earlier today? What material of the enemy is in Debby’s possession that she’s ignorant of? Lord please do not keep me in the dark about this, make it plain before my face so she can be delivered.”


Chief couldn’t understand what was going on in his life anymore.
It’s as if his heart has been split into two. Whenever he attempts paying his priest a visit, it’d feel like there’s a force in him that’d prevent him from doing so.
One day he ignored this urged within him and set out to see his priest, his car broke down on the way and it got tolled to the mechanic.

“What’s happening to me?” He said and got up from his bed to use the restroom, only to find his wife at one corner quietly praying.

“Or are her prayers having effect on me?” He thought to himself and suddenly recalled Priest’s call earlier that day

“But where do I start from in finding this girl? Where do I start from? This task is really tougher than I ever imagined.”

No words, let me hear from you instead.

*_To be Continued…_*
©Princess Stories

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