Campus Fellowship episode 20


Her long black hair which use to be an object of envy among her peers had become tangled and messy. Her light complexioned skin had become dull and pale. The once beautiful Linda had become a shadow of her former self.

She attempted suicide numerous times. Like when she tried to jump off the bridge, or when she jumped in front of a moving vehicle. All attempts had been futile.

She found herself on a lonely road and she followed it, perhaps it would lead to a more promising death.

Then she heard a name.

She raised her head to identify the caller. The voice was coming from her right. “Bro Moses?”

The name Deborah sounded strange but appealing to her ears at the same time. But she didn’t have time to wonder who went by the name.

“Lindaaa, I command you to take your position with us now. Don’t join our enemy, else you’ll face their lot and be consumed with them!”

She knew that voice all too well. It came from her left. The voice that had always haunted her in her sleep alerting her of one deadly mission or the other, not caring if her life were at stake.

She was at a crossroad, not knowing the voice to hearken unto. But nothing in her wanted to go back to join Queen Mother’s forces.

Fortunately and unfortunately for her, she found herself right in the middle of the battle between the members of her evil cohort, and the wonderful set of people who showered her with love, even in their imperfections and inadequacies.

Different voices were speaking in her head at the same time.
“Hehehe. You had better listen to your master. She won’t spare you if you decide to join these cowards.” One said.

“It would have been better if you had just taken your life when you had the chance.” Another snickered.

“You must be foolish if you think the fellowship will accept you with wide arms after they discover your true identity.” This one laughed, mocking her.

Just as this battle went on in her head, the battle between the kingdom of Light and the forces of darkness grew hotter.

By this time, Prayo Moses had regained consciousness and had immediately updated his fellows about Deborah-turned-Linda and his encounter with the handsome young man, dressed in white.

That was when the silhouette of Linda came in view and they all shouted. “Sister Deborah! Come over to our side. Jesus is ready to deliver you! Come over!”

Linda turned her back from Queen mother and was heading to the direction of Light. She swayed and staggered as she moved, like a baby who was walking for the first time.

Streams of tears flowed freely on her face.
“You’ll never be one of them!” Queen mother screamed. This made Linda stop in her tracks.

“Be quiet, for Jesus said, “He who comes to me, I will by no means cast out. Come Deborah!” Prayo Moses screamed.

“True, but shall the prey be taken from the mighty, shall the lawful captive be delivered? She has covenanted her soul to the devil. He lives inside of her!” Queen mother retorted angrily.

“For thus saith the Lord of hosts, ‘the prey shall be taken from the mighty, and the lawful captive will be delivered, for I will contend with they that contend with you’. You have no claims over her soul!” President Gbile answered.

“Ah, I pity your mothers at home. You’re digging your own graves and won’t live to tell the tale!” She began chanting incoherent words and her cohorts held hands together, forming a circle roundabout her.

“I think it’s time to put an end to this drama once and for all. I have other important things to do with my time, not waste it on little children.” She increased the tempo of her chants and as she did, she began to levitate.

It was as though the night extended, as the day refused to break.
“Your chants are useless. Is it not written? For there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel?! For He disappointed the works of the crafty so their hands cannot fulfil their enterprise!”

Queen mother lifted up her Sceptre of power and directed it at the church building. She got the shock of her life as her powers had no effect. The building was enveloped in thick clouds.

After several futile attempts, she became infuriated and stomped her Sceptre on the ground in anger.

Just then, the frame of Linda who had almost gotten into the thick clouds hovering over the fellowship building caught the eye of Queen mother. “You will pay for this Linda. You will pay with your life!” Queen mother growled.

She gave a signal to her cohorts and they caught it immediately.

Each of them aimed their evil arrows laced with poison at the frail looking Linda. And since her back was turned against them, she was oblivious of their intentions towards her. She probably wouldn’t have cared. She was ready to embrace death.

Linda was still walking as slow as a tortoise, taking shaky but determined steps towards the fellowship to join her new family.
“Deborah, there’s no time. You have to make a run for it now!” President Gbile screamed.

“I’m not worthy.” She kept on saying as tears flowed freely from her eyes.

“Jesus left all His glory and honour to become a man and die in your stead. You are worth all His pain, all his ridicle and stripes. He died because you are worth it. Now run!”

At this, Linda charged towards the building. She couldn’t tell where the strength came from. It was as though her bones were charged up with fire. She charged like a gazelle towards the fellowship building, and into the clouds as the Exco cheered her on.

“You can do it Deborah”
“Godspeed sister!”
In less than five seconds, she raced into the fellowship grounds and collapsed on the floor.

The hundreds of evil arrows which had almost gotten to her back stopped immediately it got to the church building and was suspended mid-air. They had lost their target.

With their hands joined in unity, the Exco commanded the evil arrows to go back to their senders, and that was it. It was a burial ceremony in the camp of the wicked forces on that day.

Each arrow located it’s owner and struck them to death.
Still holding hands, they shouted at the top of their voices. “Jehovah Esh-Oldah (The Consuming Fire), the battle is Yours, take over!”

An unquenchable and all-consuming fire from heaven engulfed the hosts of darkness to the extent that it totally consumed all. No skeleton, no armour, no clothes, leaving nothing but ashes.

At that instant, dawn came and the sun peeped from the horizon.
“Hallelujah!” “Hallelujah!”

The Executives kept screaming and sounds of victory could be heard from a distance.
They picked up different worship songs and began to sing and dance to the glory of God.
For the Lord is a Consuming Fire! No one is above saving 🔥🙌🏼🙇
©️ Oluwatosin Rhoda Ajayi


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