Life imprisonment Episode 35




The day finally came. The most anticipated day in history by all and sundry finally arrived. Danger’s case had been of national interest and even the president of the country was duly involved with ensuring that his corrupt officials were made to face the wrath of the law. A petition was passed to allow the public view the court proceedings from the beginning to the end through live streaming.

The crowd present at the court on that day were obviously not concerned about the promised live streaming, they wanted to be present live at the scene to have a first-hand view of everything that would go down.

The judge took his seat and everything began. Those senators, honourables, Business tycoons and everyone involved in the case were brought in handcuffs to the dock. They bowed their heads in shame as they made their way to the dock.

Most citizens had thought they would get away with the crimes as the custom was in Nigeria. But, a new era of justice had begun and therefore no one was above the law. They were sentenced to years imprisonment with hard labour and no option of bail.

It was Danger’s turn to receive his sentence and everywhere was silent.

“Before I pronounce my judgement, do you have anything to say to the citizens of this country? As you know, everyone is watching and I can bet they want to hear a word or two from you.

Danger had the floor and he was ultimately grateful. Ever since he became born again, he had been praying and studying the bible and he knew deep down in his heart that he had hurt a lot of people and that he needed an avenue to make a public apology. He told Mr Emmanuel about it and the latter assured him that he would get the opportunity in court on the day of his sentencing.

“Thank you, Judge, for this opportunity. I want to sincerely appreciate you all for coming here today to watch me receive the judgement for my sins. To those following online, I say thank you.”

“I know I have hurt a lot of people, both living and dead, and no amount of sorry can suffice for what I did. But, I’ll say sorry nonetheless. Please, find a place in your hearts to forgive me.”

“I’m grateful to God for giving me this opportunity today to make my ways right before you all.”

“I have asked Mr Emmanuel to make the story of my life public so that you all can learn one or two things from it. I chose crime and here I am today, ready to pay for my choice.”

“You also know what you have chosen in life. Yes, you! You that believed that because you are not the ‘notorious Danger’ then you are justified to call him a criminal. You forge results, cheat on your spouses, sleep with your neighbour’s daughter, lie, steal at work and do all sorts of terrible things against your fellow man. But, because you don’t carry a gun like Danger, you think you are justified.” He smiled, paused and continued.

“The bible says ‘all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.’ All! Not only the ones that kidnap people and commit murder are the sinners but all who are yet to confess and forsake their sins. I want you to know that there is nothing like a small sin or big sin. As little as you think lying is, it is the same as murder before God.”

The people murmured.

“Hear me, friends, as you all gathered here today to watch me receive my sentence, so will everyone gather to watch you receive yours before God on that day. And, what do you think He will say to you? You are a liar, I’ll pardon you; but the likes of Danger are unpardonable?”

“He will never say that.”

“I stand before you pardoned by God from every evil thing I have done. It may sound unbelievable as I’m also trying to believe it, but, that’s the reality of every child of God. We are forgiven and acquitted of our past sins. And we remain pure before God as long as we don’t go back to sin.”
Shared on whatsapp by Martino
“I want you to check your life today and repent of all the things you do that you think does not matter. They matter before God, the maker and owner of your life, before whom you’ll will stand to give account of your life. For it is appointed unto men to die once and after that judgement.”

“I’ll end on this note. I chose crime because I didn’t know any better but that does not justify what I did. We all have a choice to make between good and evil and never allow the devil to deceive you into thinking that that evil he wants you to do is the only choice you have.”

“Thank you all. I’m sorry once again.”

He completed his speech and everywhere became dead silent. The judge sniffed continuously as he had been touched by every word he heard from Danger.

He was a man that received bribes to acquit the guilty and condemn the innocent but because he didn’t operate with a gun, he had never seen himself as a condemned criminal. But, the speech from Danger opened his eyes to the truth that he was also not a saint and if he died in that state, he wouldn’t be justified before God.

Every other person that heard Danger’s speech all thought deeply about their lives. Danger was not the only criminal and definitely not the worst of all. They were all sinners and some of them that were even born again could attest to the fact that they had also done grievous things before God forgave them.

Who are they to judge another person?

Who are they to say he deserved to die?

People started repenting of their sins as they were not ready to wait till they stood face to face with God before their sins would find them out and disqualify them from enjoying eternal peace.

Danger was sentenced to Life Imprisonment with hard labour. He got on his knees there and thanked God for giving him another chance to live a more meaningful life.

When he was walking freely, he did terrible things against God but at that time when he would be confined to the four walls of a prison, he was resolute to live for God and maximize every opportunity he got to make up for the years he had lost in sin.

“I was truly living in prison of sin when I thought I was free and now that I’m in prison physically, I feel so free.”

“Sin is what confines a man into prison and only Jesus is the way out of this Life Imprisonment. He says ‘I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh to the Father, but by me’. Come to Jesus today and receive freedom from this Life Imprisonment.”

Oluwarantimi preached on that Sunday and as usual, a lot of people came out to surrender their lives to Jesus. He had spent over fifty years behind bars and had become a renowned online evangelist in the nation and all over the world.

He used his life’s story as the basis for his sermon and he was not tired of sharing how he received freedom from the life of bondage he had lived.

Comfort and her family with Edward and his family had made it a point of duty to visit Ranti every Sunday since he got his sentence.

Comfort’s daughter had given birth to a bouncing baby boy after eleven months of marriage and they named the child Oluwarantimi Justice, in honour of his grand uncle.

Life was sweet for Ranti and when he transitioned to glory at 97, he felt fulfilled and happy to be going home to meet God.


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