The Christmas gift episode 7


My reality changed immediately I saw another dangerous teddy bear standing by the door and staring at me with evil intentions.

I couldn’t even close my mouth nor the opened door of the refrigerator that I was holding when I saw the teddy bear standing by the door with two knives in is hands and gawking at me as if I was some welted flesh he has been anticipating to taste for a long time

He kept on licking his upper woolly lips and grinning at me mischievously at every interval.

“What type of evil teddy bear is this. What kind of spirit is inside this thing. Can I probably defeat this thing?”,These series of questions kept on going through my head after I realized that I wasn’t contending with a lively abnornal teddy bear only, I am also against an unknown spirit that may actually be able to control anything it enters and which I have no power against.

I was eventually able to close my mouth and the refrigerator simultaneously after I realised that we were not into staring competition. My life was obviously on the line and I have to do anything and everything to get myself out of that situation that very minute.

I knew that making any attempt to engage him in a fight or kick him away from the entrance may likely result into my death.

I finally accepted the realization that teddy bears and such toys isn’t for me or any of my families because they will all be probably dangerous and evil.

I was still busy with the thought of how I am going to escape when I remembered my daughter and my husband that I left behind in their rooms. The teddy bear was apparently coming form Valery’s room and this means that she might not be safe.

This realization struck me like a thunder and I became alarmed immediately. I will do anything to save them because I can’t stand the sight of seeing any of my family in a pool of blood again.

The teddy bear was still surprisingly gawking at me and he was not making any attempt to come towards me or move away from me and I wasn’t doing the same either.

I knew that I was wasting my time, so,I armed myself a with a long rod I was able to grab and I dashed towards the teddy bear immediately, with the rod in my hands.

I was able to shove him out of the door and not without me getting myself a slight cut on my legs, because he dodged the rod I threw at him and I had no choice but to kick him with my leg.

I sent him flying from the kitchen into the living room and I quickly made a short race to my daughter’s room.

I was able to get to my daughter’s room without any interference from the teddy bear and I locked the doors of her room immediately I got inside.

There was light in the whole house and I was able to see her sitting quietly and fearfully on her bed as soon as I entered her room. Although she was safe, she was already sitting up on her bed while clasping the second teddy bear to her chest. I could see the fear on her face and she kept on muttering some inaudible words to me.

My attention wasn’t even on her frail expression. My whole attention was on the teddy bear she was embracing. I grabbed it from her immediately and I threw it into the wardrobe while locking the wardrobe up as soon as I threw it in.

After locking the teddy bear up, I made an attempt to calm her down and she was eventually able to tell me the sentences she has been whispering.

Apparently, she has seen the teddy bear got down from her bed and she also saw the teddy bear walked on his own. This scene scared her so much. Even though she was so scared, carrying the second bear and embracing it in tight hug is a question I couldn’t ask her.

After confirming that my daughter was safe, the next thing that came to my mind was how to get to my husband or inform him to come to the room.

There was no phone with me and I didn’t want to open the door for fear of meeting the teddy bear again. I was still contemplating on what to do when I head a silent knock on the door which was accompanied with a voice.

“Open the door, Dear”, My husband said from the other side of the door. I sighed in relief when I heard my husband’s voice and I pulled Valery’s hand while going towards the door in order to open it.

“Open it please. I have been looking for you”, the voice said again.

I peeped into the tiny hole that was on the door and I saw my husband’s face. The calmed me down again as I opened the door in one full swing to behold the most terrific and unexpected sight of my life.

The teddy bear was apparently mimicking my husband’s voice while holding a knife in one hand, and the severed head of my husband in his other hand.

I was still gazing at him in shock when I started hearing a loud thump from the wardrobe. The banging kept on increasing in abnormal crescendo and I realized that it is the other teddy bear I locked inside the wardrobe. He has become lively too.

© Elisha Kehinde Fagbemi

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