Sister Kamara episode 15&16

Sister Kamara
©Vivi Oluoma

Episode 15

Hello Paul?

Hello my dear, you’re still angry with me? Bro Paul inquired over the phone.

You pushed me to sin and you expect me to be happy with you? Anyways, I’ve forgiven you but I think I need to keep my distance.

I feel so ashamed of myself Only, I can’t tell what came over me but I know that it wasn’t normal. God has forgiven me, but whatever it is that tried staining my walk with God must be dealt with!

It’s well, I’ve forgiven you sweetheart. We shall overcome.

But dear, I need you to be extra watchful this period concerning who you associate yourself with because I don’t understand the series of dreams I’m having about us this days, bro Paul said.

Wait, are you now trying to push the blame on me? Sis Oluchi asked raising her voice.

That’s not what I mean Oly, since I have being praying, God have shown me severally through dreams the need for you to dust your prayer life. I don’t know but you should understand better, bro Paul said calmly. Sister Oluchi kept quite, “I think you’re saying something truth about me, like today I didn’t even observe my morning quite time with God”, she said later breaking the silence.

Really? But why? Bro Paul asked sounding worried.

A friend came over very early in the morning, so it escaped my mind and… She paused and hissed before continuing, in fact I don’t have a reason.

God will help you, be watchful and wise and pray about this, and always remember that I love you okay? Bro Paul said softly to his fiancé.

Thanks sweetheart, I love you too. I’ll pray about it, sis Oluchi responded sounding better.

So the GC told me that the Exco’s handover vigil is tomorrow.

Ah so he even told you after being informed about our discipline? Sis Oluchi asked, feeling better at the change of topic.

Didn’t our courtship supervisor call you?

No he didn’t, any problem?

Oh yeah, he told me in the morning that he couldn’t reach you. He called off our suspension and lifted the discipline this morning. Sis Oluchi broke into a joyful song.

But why so soon, it’s barely three week we went on discipline ni, sis Oluchi asked surprised.

My dear, I was equally surprised too o but he just called me this morning that he had a dream last night concerning us and it was led in his heart this morning to lift the discipline.

I’m so happy, so we can continue our courtship in peace, sis Oluchi said excited.

Yes, my dear and that means we’ll be in the Exco’s handover vigil. So who is the friend that you said came over in the morning? Bro Paul asked.

It’s one of my baby sister in the fellowship, choir master personal assistance.

Wait, who?

Sister Kamara na, sis Oluchi said casually.

Sister who! Bro Paul bellowed.

Sister Kamara na, the one that’s in choir, who doesn’t know her? sis Oluchi asked rhetorically, getting impatient.

Oh my God! So you have been friends with an agent all these while? Little wonder, all these has being happening, we need to see now Oly, come inside school immediately, bro Paul said hanging the call.

Agent? Sister Oluchi muttered, confused. She headed to her room. Sister Kamara was gone by the time she got to her room, leaving a note that she got an urgent call to come to her department.

To be continued……

Sister Kamara
©Vivi Oluoma

Episode 16

On Friday night before going for the Exco’s handover vigil, I went over to big sister Oluchi’s room to see her before leaving but she wasn’t around, so I left.

Earlier, mother superior had asked me to go well prepared in case of any situation, “my major fear wouldn’t be coming, so I’ve got everything under control”, I told her.

I took a seat in the front, I know how to get this people love you. The prayer started in earnest. Have you ever seen my blast in tongue before? You will definitely think I control a troop of angel. I can blast in tongue for straight 6hr and that night, when I started blasting in tongue – shakalamatash, all other tongue ceased to observe this spiritual sister.

Then the prayer ended. It was time for the outgoing Exco’s to pray for their successors. The moderator asked us to sit down and asked bro Paul to mount the alter and coordinate the prayer.

Bro Paul? Which bro Paul? My heart left my body and for a second, I felt my body stiffened and my blood stopped flowing. I saw bro Paul walking up to the alter from the back.

I swallowed hard to help calm my pounding heart. I suddenly felt hot as sweat from my armpit ran down to my thigh. But he’s on discipline, I said thinking out loud. I turned again, my eyes met with sis Oluchi’s, I forced a smile but her face was strong, very strong. I kept shifting uncomfortably as I turned the invisible ring on my little finger; it’s our way of signaling mother superior in times of danger but she didn’t respond. I sat up, ready for anything that will happen.

Bro Paul went on to call the names of past Excos and their new successor. They took their time in praying for them and then he got to the post of the General coordinator and the General sister coordinator(GSC) and I was still yet to hear my name.

I’ll still pray for the new GC and the new GSC, after they must have been prayed for by the leader they are succeeding, said bro Paul.

My heart flew out of my body, I felt a sensation in my lower abdomen.

I want to urinate, I found myself telling the girl sitting next to me. She looked surprised but said, “I think you should wait till the end of this prayer session, who knows if you’re the sister cord”, she smiled.

I have always wanted to occupy the position of the General sister coordinator but in this situation where bro Paul has to pray for them specially, I prayed silently never to be the one.

We call on bro Victor, the outgoing General coordinator to pray for his successor bro Promise Okolo, after which I’ll come up and pray for him, bro Paul said stepping back. That was done and bro Paul came up again.

Kneel down bro Promise, he instructed. He knelt down and bro Paul laid hands on him and prayed for him.

Now, I’m calling on sister Chidinma Ogbara, the outgoing GSC to come and pray for her successor sister Chikamara Ogoji, bro Paul said stepping back.

This is my night of judgment. I felt some droplet of urine escaping from its hostage. I turned the ring once again to know if mother superior will answer, but she was mute as if she never existed.

Then I stood up and walked to the alter, bro Paul’s eye was fixed on me. I tried to avoid it as much as I can but just a stare from him burns me within – He’s fire is back. I wanted him to end like Samson but he turned out to be a David, who was always ready to turn back in repentance. I stood in front of sis Chidinma, with a drooped shoulder, my face bent in a defeated manner. She did a quick prayer for me and bro Paul came up for his additional prayer.

I raised my fallen face and looked him directly into his eyes, he was equally staring at me – A kind of “come and escape again” look. This is judgment.

I was scared to invoke my demons, because bro Paul was literally on fire in my eyes. His hands, his eyes, his mouth, his feet – were all on fire, he looked stronger than ever.

For the first time in 12 years of joining the daughters of eve, a tear dropped from my eyes, I looked away. This is judgment, should I fight it or just accept his verdict?

Kneel down sister Chikamara, he instructed, stretching forth the hands he would lay on my head.

The hands that will set me to my death and make all the demons in me to desert me. The hands that I have always avoided now calling me gently to lead me to my death.

Never! I yelled, stepping back.

He smiled, this is judgment, he said.

I said some strange words to disappear but nothing happened. It was as if my spell was rendered useless.

I decided to use my legs and bail myself. I knew that as long as bro Paul doesn’t come close to me that I’m safe – for so I thought as I run-walk down the hallway, running through the midst of people, I planned to escape through the back door.

Bro Paul just stood there as if oblivious that I was trying to escape. The other leaders stood fixed and lost and obviously scared to come close to me.

I was almost at the door that would lead to my escape, till I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was just like bro Paul’s because it did set the demons in me in discomfort.

Who can this be for I’m sure bro Paul wouldn’t have gotten here unless he’s a ghost, for the hallway is a very long one.

I turned and met sis Oluchi’s eye on me with her hands still on my shoulder. “Little sis”, she called out almost in a whisper. I wanted to cast my spell but she was already lost in tongue. This tongue ignited by the Holy spirit felt strange to me but the fire it carried made me to understand that tongues get level. I never knew she carried such power.

I was loosing my strength, my knee were knocking, my vision getting blur. The others gathered around. I tried to keep my vision but it was failing me and it got to a point that all I could see was bro Paul’s smiling face.

This is judgment, I muttered before sinking into oblivion.


We need more of Bro Paul in our fellowships.

We need discerning spirit among our brethren.

There are some men who know God but there are some who carries God.

Some men get the attention of heaven when they pray but there are some men that ceases all activity in heaven when ever they approach the throne of grace – Heaven listens with raptness!

Do we still have another Bro Paul in our fellowships today?

Men who wouldn’t just accept any spirit without knowing if it be of God.

Men who are ready to stand in the gap!

Men who understands their sonship identity in heaven.

Oh Lord give us another Bro Paul today!

God bless everyone that followed the story, were you blessed?
Everything about this story is fictitious, both characters and events but can be a reality for any careless fellowship.

Remain blessed

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