No I don’t cheat on you episode 11

Episode 11

With that I left him at the balcony and went into the room to meet my children. They had finish eating and were playing game. John came into the room some minutes later and made to leave with Jerry but the latter refused to go with him even after I pleaded with him to go.

After much persuasion and Jerry still refused to go with John, we had to let him be. John had to go home alone and since schools were on holiday, Jerry was free to stay with me.

John returned the following day with change of clothes for Jerry and also brought some foodstuffs. At first, I rejected the foodstuffs but when he didn’t stop pleading with me to take it, I collected it from him. He also bought some clothes for Jeddy but Jeddy refused to collect it.

A week later, I received a call from John’s mother. She actually stopped being my mother-in-law the day she joined my stepmother to throw me out of her son’s house.

‘Good afternoon’ I replied rudely

‘Afternoon, John told me what went wrong and since you are innocent, you have to return back to your husband’ she informed increasing my anger

‘Wait, are you now ordering me to go back to your son? And who told you I am still Interested in your son? I replied her vibrating with anger

‘Fine, if you are no longer then return my grandchildren’

‘Can you see how foolish you are? So, you are now demanding for the grandchildren you once rejected abi? If you ever disturb me again, I will relocate to a far away land and begin life with my children then we would know who will be at loss’

‘Young lady, Did you just call me a foolish woman?’ She asked

‘Yes, in fact, you are a mad woman. You and your son are both sick upstairs. If you ever call my line again, I will disgrace you’

With that, I ended the call and block her number immediately. I was actually surprised I could speak to her the way I did. Well, when a person Is pushed to the wall, he or she has no option but to defend his or her self.

Three weeks later, I was in the room teaching the twins some arithmetic, when I heard a knock on the door. I stopped what I was doing and went to open the door, I was shocked to see John and a lady at the door. I was lost staring at them as I was actually trying to remember where I knew the lady from.

‘Care to invite us in?’ The lady asked jolting me out of reverie

‘Do come in’ I invited them in not without giving John a bad eye

‘Daddyyyyy’ Jerry scream immediately he saw his father

‘How are you son?’

‘Very fine, Jeddy, won’t you say hello to Daddy?’ Jerry asked his brother

‘I have told you that I don’t have a father ‘ Jeddy replied rudely

‘When will you stop this nonsense Jeddy?’ I screamed at Jeddy

‘Until when he start loving us again’ Jeddy replied surprising me

‘I am talking and you are replying me abi? Wait, till I slap you’

‘Please, let the boy be. He is right, if his father had been more reasonable, things won’t escalate to this point.’ She replied surprising me as I thought she also came to cast blames on me.

I gave Jerry and Jeddy biscuits and asked them to go play outside while I discusss with John and the lady he brought.

‘Do you know me?’ She asked

‘No ma’ I replied with all sincerity.

‘I guess so, well, I am John’s elder sister who reside in Ghana. He actually made me travel here to help him apologize to his wife. You see, I never knew about the situation till three weeks ago. I have listened to his part of the story and I let him know that he is at fault but I am here to plead with you, I know you are hurt but please come back home because of the kids’

‘Sorry to disappoint you ma, I am not interested in coming back to him neither do I want to have anything to do with him again’

Oh hearing that, John came to where I sat and knelt before me weeping. I was so surprised to see him go on his knee before him, I was just short of words.

‘My wife, please forgive me. I know I have been wicked and unfair to you, I am ready to change. I promise to make you happy and treat you as my wife, please, just forgive me’ John pleaded amidst tears

‘You see, he is truly sorry. I sat him down and talked sense into his dull brain and he promised to be a better husband, please give him another chance’ his sister chipped in

While we were still discussing, Jerry ran into the room crying that Jeddy was finding it hard to breathe. On hearing that, I ran outside and carry him into the house. John collected him from him while I search for his inhaler.

Immediately I saw the inhaler, I helped him use it and he became fine after inhaling it. John drew him closer to himself and started apologizing to him for being a failed father. In no time, Jeddy slept off in John’s arms.

Sister Lucy, John’s sister asked how I was able to cope with an asthmatic child and I made her understand that it wasn’t easy but Christ keep strengthening me.
TBC… ✍️

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