Cursed desires episode 8

CURSED DESIRES 8 (last episode)

It’d been two days after my wife was discharged from the clinic. I was also confirmed to be impotent! Life was being unfair.

I never expected that the table could turn this way. I had heard it from my own wife: that Uche really had slept with her severally and that the three kids; Rex, Imelda and Nelson weren’t mine!
Things weren’t supposed to be that way. I couldn’t have been the true object of Joy’s execration. I had a good job, car and conducive apartment. Didn’t the nasty curse say that the culprit’s life was going to be miserable? Where was the misery in my life? Uche was responsible for that pregnancy!

My head tilted down. I ran my fingers across my spikey hairs. There was a new energy that woke in me. I folded my palms. I hadn’t realized I’d been sitting on the bare floor. I jolted up, breathing heavily. I firmly resolved that no man born of a woman could play on my intelligence. Nobody had any right over my own children! Those kids were mine and I was going to fight till my last breath, to claim them. Does one reap what he didn’t sow. Uche was trying to be smart with me. I needed to teach him the game even if it severed our ties as age-long friends! To hell with his nasty tricks! I began to lay curses on him. His was going to be dead alive for tampering with my woman. My wife too, was going to die a thousand times for sharing my bed with him!

I hiked into my room and stood watching the wardrobe for minutes. I slowly walked towards it until I had my hands on the door knobs. I threw the double doors ajar and swept a glimpse across the neatly hung clothes. My fingers ran through them until they stopped abruptly. I carefully singled out the blue coat that had a sea of shiny buttons. I still had my kits intact.

I took my time to doll up in the fitting coat and cargo pants. I held a high rank in the blue Army of St. Lawrence’s Parish. I got into my combat boots then framed my head with my hat. I got my whip then walked to the wall mirror where I saluted myself muttering slowly that no man could claim my children when I was alive!

This was a war I was waging against fate, against my guilt and the world.
I stepped out in my full regalia and headed to the outer room where I could sit to ward off any misguided kidnapper.

My wife and kids had kept a disturbing distance from me. They’d been looking indifferently. To say that those kids were not mine was a black humor! I wasn’t going to loosen my grip. I just couldn’t let my own kids slip through my fingers. They weren’t even going out of the house.

From time to time, I looked into the sitting room from the outer room, just to be sure Rex, Imelda and Nelson were still hanging pretty cool on the wall. It was the right idea to frame them up on those boards so that they didn’t escape. They all seemed to be watching and smiling at me from the little coloured windows hanging on the wall. Now, the heavy coat I was wearing had become too hot for my comfort. Step by step, I got rid of every nasty thing that clung to my body, refusing to give me a breathing space. I was glad to be free.

I saw the trash bin. A long fish comb had dropped from it. I thought my hair needed some combing. I crawled towards it and helped myself as I sat down and whistled softly.

(please, note that his wife and kids already deserted him before he lost his mind.)

The End.
CURSER DESIRES (on the ending)

Every story mustn’t end well. If you’re able to decipher or pick out the storyline ahead of the writer, then it’s a wack story!
I love the fact that the end of “Cursed Desires” is controversial. Things mustn’t blend with your assumptions or predictions.

The story itself is a first person narrative where the principal character refused submitting to his Fate, guilt and reality. He was blinded by fatherhood and lost his mind along the line: and that automatically carried home the curse stroke out by Joy fifteen years past. In a situation where the principal character became mentality derailed, the story definitely came to an end. What more do you want to hear about a madman who had failed to retrace his steps?

A great lesson is that people should learn to take responsibility for their actions which are often mistakes!

What are your own lessons. Share it so we could learn and unlearn..
© Victor SN Okeworo

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