Cassandra season 2 episode 29

Episode 29

David’s side of the story;
As narrated by David

‘’remember; don’t act nervously before the dude. We will cooperate with him until we have the baby with us. Back up is close by, so we have nothing to fear’’ officer Doris advised as we alighted from my car to see Edwin heading towards us with two men. One of them was carrying my child. The other was holding a small gun. Edwin wasn’t armed with a gun but had a small knife strapped to his waist.
They approached us cautiously, scanning us with their eyes.

‘’finally we meet again Mr. David. Mmmm your wife’s cousin is cute. She is even prettier than her sister we met last night.’’ He smiled as he left his eyes on Officer Doris’s b—–s for some seconds.

‘’so back to business; Here is your son’’ he suddenly said, shifting his attention back to me as he nodded to the guy with my child, who quickly drew forward and handed me my son who was probably too scared or tired to cry or acknowledge me.
I carried my boy with great happiness but the joy of having him back never made me lose focus for a moment. Of course I was expecting the worst from Edwin and had to be vigilant.
Ordinarily, I would have handed over the child to Doris, since I claimed she was there to help take care of him but I couldn’t because I knew she simply was waiting for the right opportunity to pull her gun on Edwin.
Luckily Edwin didn’t notice that I held onto my son instead of handing him over to Doris. Perhaps he didn’t notice because his attention quickly went to Cassandra.

‘’My dear Cassandra; I told you that you can never escape from me. Here we are together once again. Come forward my dear, bring the money along’’ he said to Cassandra who nervously grabbed the bag of money we came with and walked towards him.

‘’give him the money to sort out’’ he ordered Cassandra as she got closer to him, giving a sign to the guy that brought my son, who quickly grabbed the bag from Cassandra, opened it and busied himself counting the naira notes.
I breathed nervously as I watched on, so scared of what could happen next.

‘’give me a hug my dear. You don’t know how much I missed you’’ he softly said to Cassandra, spreading his hands for an embrace. Cassandra dutiful embraced him, but then shocked us by pulling the knife on his waist with great swiftness, pushed the knife through his ribs and sending him backwards with great shock.

‘’you witch’’ he cursed as he staggered backwards, trying to pull out the knife at the same time.
Unfortunately for him, Officer Doris instantly cashed in on the opening, pulled out her gun and first sent down the armed guy who was just so confused to react with a well aimed shot that sent him down, giving him no chance to get up ever again.
Another quick shot from Doris found Edwin’s chest, sending the strong dude down. He fell like a wounded elephant, gasping for breath.

Only the third guy who was counting the money was able to escape because he instantly took to his heels as soon as he heard the first gunshot from Doris, and perhaps God just felt like giving him a second chance to life.

But as Officer Doris, closed in on Edwin to probably secure him, a gunshot rang out from the abandoned building, sending everyone down as we ducked a rain of bullets that came after the first shot.

‘’I hope the child is safe?’’ Doris asked me from where she hid. I nodded. She turned to Cassandra who unfortunately was lying down as if she was dead.
I gasped with disbelief. I never knew she was hit.

‘’I can’t take out the dude firing from the building. He is firing with a long range riffle. I think he is trying to cover Edwin but he is just stupid because Edwin is totally immobilized. Cassandra is hit. I pray the backup team comes in quick’’ Officer Doris said to me over the sound of the raging bullets which flew across our heads without stopping for a minute.


Luckily for us, about fifteen police trucks soon closed in with their sirens blazing, armed policemen quickly surrounded the building in a commando fashion, taking out the sniper who was either under the influence of drugs or simply too stupid to know when to give up.

In no time, the whole place was secured. I had my son back. I was unhurt but Cassandra paid for it with a bullet which went through her left arm.

Edwin was cold before anyone could even think of helping him.

To be continued

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