Jeremy episode 7

Episode 7
The following morning, I was greeted by a mouthwatering smell coming from my kitchen. It wasn’t necessary for me to spend too much time trying to figure out who might be responsible. I knew it could only have been my Jeremy.
Prior to our little breakdown, this was more of a routine for him. Every morning, Jeremy would make me breakfast in bed and tidy up afterwards. Every time I hosted Jeremy at my house or visited him for the weekend, I eagerly anticipated these meals.
As I previously mentioned, Jeremy is a wonderful guy when he wants to be.
Jeremy expressed to me how much he had missed “us” during breakfast that morning. He expressed his sincere wish that we could continue to be “this way” for a very, very long time.
“I know that occasionally there may be problems, but I hope that these will be problems that we can always sit down and talk about,” Jeremy said while flashing the biggest smile I’d seen in a while.
After breakfast, Jeremy and I had “breakfast.” We engaged in a few rounds before he claimed that he had to depart for an appointment.
While I’ve been in the hospital, Samuel has done everything he can to get in touch with me. I hadn’t answered his calls. Primarily because I was aware that he would have arrived at the hospital at the earliest opportunity if I had told him the state of mind I was in. After that, he most likely won’t want to go. I knew what being around him had caused me the last time.

Even though at the moment I was not looking forward to returning to being with Jeremy, I just wasn’t prepared for the drama that Samuel’s presence was certain to generate.

This obviously got Samuel very worried. I had been on admission for more than a week; it had been that long since I left his residence, and no one had heard from me since.
My phone started to ring again a little while after Jeremy left my house. I felt bad when I saw Samuel’s name appear on my phone’s screen. This time, I was obliged to answer his call. I switched the phone to speaker and did as such.

Samuel sounded more concerned than irate when he realized he had left me a ton of calls and messages that had gone unanswered. When the holidays were over, he returned to work and saw that I hadn’t. He became more concerned when I was still unaccounted for a week later.

Samuel claimed to have been in my neighborhood and had repeatedly gone to the location where I had asked him to drop me off that evening in the hopes of at least running into me.
Oh! No one in my office knows my house, not even Samuel. I took care to keep my affairs a secret from everyone, especially my female coworkers.
I apologized to Samuel for what I felt to be my carelessness. I explained to him that I hadn’t been in town and that I had just needed that time off to get my thoughts straight, which is why I hadn’t been returning calls.

I giggled in response to Samuel’s inquiry about whether he had contributed in any way to this choice.
“Who does this man believe himself to be? Why would he have thought that he could ever be my problem, even in his wildest dreams? We are cool, I know, but not that cool. In addition, didn’t he just recently order me to remain silent in his bedroom so he might acquire a future knack? Mstcheeeeew!”
I assured Samuel that he had nothing to do with the decision (even though, technically, he did). I informed him that my leave would end soon and that I would be reporting back to work the following Monday. He expressed his delight at learning this and his excitement for my arrival.
“You know, I’ve really missed you. I didn’t realize how much I really cared about you until I worried that I might have said or done something that might have caused you to ignore my calls and text messages. I was eager to get back to work after the holidays in the hopes that I would at least be able to see you and observe your demeanor towards me. I stayed up all night the night before work anticipating seeing you the next morning. I was quite unhappy when you didn’t arrive, but now that I have heard your voice and know that you are okay, all of that sorrow and anguish has vanished. You got me quite worried, babe…”

“…babe? Who are you on the phone with, and why is he calling you babe?” A voice that made me shudder asked.

It was Jeremy’s.

To be continued…
Moshood Avidiime The Writer

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