

It pays to serve Jesus i speak from my heart…, i sang as i entered the house. Good evening, mama. I greeted my mother, who looked at me and hissed loudly. May it not be well with you. My mother cursed me over and over again.

Groaning i ignored her. Not this again, please not this, i silently pleaded within myself. This has been going on for the past two years, as my mother suddenly became a thorn in my flesh. Where are you coming from? Mama inquired: I hope itโ€™s not church again?

How many times will you keep hopping to church programs every day Charity? Why do you keep being busy with God? Overchurch activities that canโ€™t help your fate, ehh? She asked angrily.

The same Jesus that can’t give you a husband? Are you not ashamed that you return to my house every day instead of your husbandโ€™s? Your friends are married with kids while you eat and grow fat in my house. May God forbid you turn 30 here; I will disown you and your generation.

Ignoring her, I silently entered my room.
The pressure to settle started when I turned 27 and finished school. The excitement of being a graduate and looking forward to the future was so great that I immediately started making plans for myself.

Since I loved God, I looked forward to his promises concerning my future with great hope, but my mother had other plans for me. She constantly tried getting me together with all sorts of men as long as they had money, which to me isnโ€™t ideal because I want to involve God in my decision-making when it comes to the choice of a life partner.

I hope your God knows that in two years you will turn 30. Please plead with him to give you a husband before then, because I donโ€™t want you growing old in my house. My mother taunted me as she came into the kitchen while I prepared breakfast for us.

This morning again? Isnโ€™t it too early for this, Mama? I asked her boldly, Isnโ€™t it too late for you to get married? Are you not ashamed you are still unmarried when girls younger than you are? She mocked back, knowing I couldnโ€™t talk back at her. I sighed heavily and continued with breakfast. I washed the dishes and started laundry.

Precious, please help me with the washing machine. I pleaded with my sister, who I was 4 years older than. Why should I? She replied, But you arenโ€™t busy right now. I countered back. Well, Mama made it clear I should not be involved in any house chores anymore.

She said everything is now your responsibility, so I am not supposed to lift a finger. I donโ€™t think Dami will like it; she proudly flaunted her fiance before me, a clear indication that she was hitched and I wasnโ€™t.

Itโ€™s something Mama will do to ensure she punishes me for declining the numerous men she thinks are rich and perfect for me, and with a heavy heart, I returned back to laundry.

When is Dami coming? Mama asked my sister. He said by the end of the month she replied with a smile. Eagerly, she got up and began dancing. I knew you were a special child from the day you were born.

Look at you, bringing home a wealthy man for a husband, unlike some people whose God cannot provide half a man for them. She laughed and clapped in mockery, hissing angrily.

It hurts my heart each time my mother speaks that way about God. Why would anyone enjoy bringing Godโ€™s name to mockery because of petty things that are irrelevant in eternity? I asked myself: Silently praying for her soul to be saved, I left for my room.

ยฉ Wofai Patrick ๐ŸŒน

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