By Authoress Rhoda.
Part 3.
I was once a lady who strongly believed in and practiced sexual purity. I was brought up in the way of the Lord. My parents were both workers in one of the pentecostal churches in Nigeria. So, they really trained me.
God used my parents to save me from sins. They were the ones who preached the gospel of Christ to me that really broke my heart. I just couldn’t resist the hand of God that night I was being preached to. Right there, I gave my life to Christ. My parents were real followers of Christ. I saw Christ in them. My parents really enlightened me about se.x and consequences of premarital s*x.
Dear parents, what examples are you laying down for your coolvalstories children? Can they see Christ in you or otherwise? Remember, your children are reading your life as their books or yardsticks. Is your life pointing Christ to them?
I couldn’t believe that despite all my determination to abstain from premarital se.x, I later ended up falling into it.
I made sure I had no boyfriend throughout my secondary school days. I knew about some of my mates who were later impregnated by their boyfriends which made some of them to drop out from school.
In fact, some of them committed abortions. I could vividly remember one of them who lost her womb along the line due to the numerous abortions she had. All these happened while we were still in secondary school. Most of the girls involved weren’t up to 19 years.
Despite all the temptations around me, I didn’t yield to any of them.
I could vividly remember when some of my friends got a boyfriend for me. The boy tried all he could to get my attention. In fact, he bought a lot of gifts for me, but I rejected all.
All that was on my mind was how to make it in life. How to pass my JAMB and WAEC with ease. So, boyfriend was far from my plans.
I sat for WACE (first attempt), but I failed woefully despite the fact that I knew I read my books very well to the best of my knowledge.
I felt like cursing God for such a failure in my life. In fact, one of my closest friends mocked me and told everyone about my poor performance.
I saw one of my classmates few weeks after the results were released. I greeted her and we tried to discuss life after school.
Along the line, she told me her own result. She performed brilliantly. I was very happy for her, but her statement brought tears to my eyes.
“Is your God dead to have not crowned your efforts with success? We that didn’t know God passed our exams brilliantly while you, SU mama failed woefully. I suggest you join our calibre next time so that you can enjoy what we are enjoying, because it seems the God you serve is dead.
If he is not dead, he could have crowned your efforts with success. In fact, your result could have been the best ever. Well, I don’t believe any God exists. This your result of a thing is an indication that there is no God. Foolish girl!” She said.
” You are the foolish one here, girl. Anyone that believes there is no God is absolutely out of her mind. The fact that I failed my examination doesn’t mean my God is dead. God is still God. Nonsense!” I said as I walked away from her because deep within me, I wasn’t happy with God.
Immediately I got home, I cried my eyes out. If someone who was involved in examination malpractices could perform better than I did (who made up her mind not to cheat in the examination hall), then God should be partial. Imagine, sinners to some extent are enjoying lives more than the righteous, yet sinners aren’t judged.
I almost said words that were more than my mouth, because I was just annoyed. My result was so annoying to me. People around me even made the situation worse. Everything about me was annoying.
As a believer, I read my bible one particular night and was made to understand that all things work together for good to them that love God.
I waa encouraged. I believe God was still interested in me. My failure drew me closer to God. I was really thirsty to know more about God. I was on fire for God. Not just being spiritual alone, I put in more efforts, academically in order to stand out in my next examination.
To the glory of God, God really did it for me. I sat for another WAEC and I came out in flying colours. People who heard about my failure were still the same set of people who heard about my brilliant performance. In fact, mockers were silenced.
I had written my JAMB before I sat for the 2nd WAEC I wrote. I also performed well.
To cut the whole long story short, I was admitted into the University.
My joy knew no bound. My parents counselled me. They told me to be a good girl on campus. They really spoke to me on how to behave myself on campus.
I made up my mind to make them proud. I was determined to be focused. I went to school with that burning fire in me. I was really on fire for God. God was really helping me. Along the line….
To be continued.
©️Ojo Rhoda Ayanfeoluwa.