My journey as a single mother episode 20


Part 20

By Authoress Rhoda.

We saw her!!

Yes, in the midnight.

The door was locked. In fact, we were very sure the door was locked.

How she managed to enter into the room without opening the door was a mystery to us.

We were still awake when she barged in or appeared in.

We were digging deep into the words of God that night to the extent that we didn’t want to stop reading the bible, because it was very sweet.

It was as if we were being served jollof rice. We were just devouring the word of God.

In fact, many mysteries were revealed to us.

The drive to know more about God made us spend hours studying the Bible. Not just studying. We both had jotters we called “Spiritual food”.

So, all the revelations from the word of God were being taken note of in our jotters. In fact, we got a lot of prayer points from the bible.

If you are studying the word of God with understanding, you will never run out of prayer points.

Many people claim to pray for hours without having a specific prayer point to tender unto God.

Yes, prayer is all about communing with God. But, what are the reasons behind your prayer?

Is it to thank God, confess how good and wonderful He has been to you and also making your petitions known unto Him? Or you are just praying to show the whole world that you can pray for hours?

Yes, some people don’t have genuine reasons for praying. They pray because their friends are praying. No wonder some just open their mouths, stranded on what to pray about, thereby, repeating words or eating their tongues .

Some don’t even have a clue on what to pray about and that is why some chew their mouths. Some shake heads, beat chairs, do a lot of gymnastics just because they are praying.

All these aren’t bad. But it is bad if as a person you are praying to impress others. It is very wrong and unwise of you to copy others. It is very unwise of you to show others that you can pray more than others.

That is why you will see a person who will just pray a simple prayer backed up with faith and “Gbam!” Answers come forth.

David prayed to God that He should nullify the plan or counsel of his enemy. Yes, very simple. God did it.

So, it is not about “I spend 5 hours in the place of prayers.”

It is not about “I am a praying machine.”

Some claim to be praying even when their minds are busy thinking about some other things.

It is all about faith in God. It is all about praying IN the word of God. It’s all about praying on what you’ve read from the scriptures.

The scripture is just like your food. Prayer is like the water we drink to step down the food( word of God) you have eaten.

How will you be satisfied when you don’t eat food but only rely on water?

In fact, God honours His words more than His name. In fact, God cannot just break His words because the words of God are unshakeable. They’ve been tried. So, God cannot just contradict His words.

Praying in the word of God(ie. praying according to the scriptures) makes God to honor your prayers. It even prove to the devil that you know what you are doing or saying.

Study the word of God. Yes, because It is very important. Dig deep into the word of God to know your true identity in Christ.

Dig deep into the word of God to know His commandments, blessings attached to obedience to His commandments and curses attached to disobedience to His instruction.

Dig deep into the word of God to know some of the promise He has made for you.

Dig deep into the word of God to get answers to some of your burning questions.

Dig deep into the word of God to study the lives of saints, sinners and many more.

Yes, the word of God is a complete guide for you. So, you need to study the word of God in order to pray aright.


Immediately Deola entered the room, the atmosphere changed. We stood up and started praying.

We remembered how God fought many battles in the bible without losing one. We remembered some of the promises of God.

As we were still praying, our hearts were taken back to the book of Exodus 14:14👇

“Hold your peace, for I will fight for you.”

We handed over everything to God. We started worshipping God.

All of a sudden, we felt the presence of God in our room. The atmosphere became tensed that we couldn’t help but burst into tongues.

We didn’t know what we were saying, but we knew we were communicating to God.

Before we could say “jack” Deola disappeared.

The following day, we heard she ran mad. She confessed to people that her mission was to kill the two of us for crossing our boundaries.

She said we dared her. She wanted to show us pepper that midnight when a powerful force hindered her from carrying out her mission.

Failure to carry out her mission led to her madness.

Leke placed a call across to us when he heard about Deola’s madness. He fully believed God exists.

The news of Deola’s madness spread like a fire. In fact, many people were seeing us as small gods.

At a point our heads wanted to swell up, but the story of how King Nebucadnazzar became a goat checked us.

Imagine, a whole king for that matter, turned to a goat just because he was proud. Just because he failed to give glory to God.

We saw everything as “God being at work in our lives.” We saw ourselves as vessels in the hands of God.

We kept on digging deep into the words of God. Our spiritual lives took a new form. We were on fire for God. Spiritual gifts were released unto us. We began to do great exploits for God.

The two of us really worked together to ensure that God was glorified.

God used us to heal sick people. God really wrought great wonders through our lives.

God used us to deliver Leke from the bondage of the devil. He was on fire for God as well.

In fact, we had a lot of spiritual children.


” Bisi, a man called me and narrated some bad dreams to me.” Esther said.

” Bad dreams? For you or who? “I asked.

She told me it was a prophecy from a prophet. She made me to understand that the prophet said she was going to die young just like her mother and also told her that she would not enjoy her marriage because of the sins of her great grandmother.

He told her that there were some generational curses hanging on her head. To cut the whole long story short, he asked her to come with some materials for rituals in order to nullify those prophecies.

By the time I calculated the amount of money that would cost us to get those materials, everything was #200, 000.

I asked what her response were. She told me she said nothing.

Can you imagine?

I made her to understand that “who is he that speaks when God hasn’t said or commanded something like that?”

We prayed fervently on those prophecies to be nullified.


God has the final say over your life. I am not here to tell you that some prophecies don’t come to pass.

Some negative prophecies do come to pass in a believer’s life because he/she doesn’t know who he/she is in Christ.

God sent Prophet Isaiah to go and prophesy to a man called Hezekiah who was very sick unto death, to pack his things, because death was knocking at his doors strongly.

Hezekiah was sick, good!

He believed that despite his sickness, he was still going to live.

He didn’t believe what the Prophet said. Yes, Isaiah was a true prophet of God.

Instead, Hezekiah took the case to God in the place of prayers. God re-instructed Isaiah to prophesy to Hezekiah that 15 more years has been added to his life. (2kings 20:1 – 6).

Many people have received negative prophecies from their pastors, prophets, even their own dreams (bad dreams) , yet they are silent about it. If you are silent about it, those prophecies will be fulfilled.

But, if you take them to God in prayer that Lord, “according to Isaiah 7:7, these evil prophecies will not come to pass…” and you strongly believe in God, it shall definitely not come to pass.


Every morning, I made it compulsory to always call my twins, lay hands on them and prophesy into their lives.

One day, we were in the room, playing game when we heard a knock on the door.

“Who is that?” We both asked.

No response.

“Esther, please. You know I used please for you. Go and open the door.” I pleaded.

She hesitated, but after some seconds, she went to open the door.

On opening the door…

What actually happened.

What/Who did she see?

To be continued.

©️Ojo Rhoda Ayanfeoluwa.

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