Her Ghost Episode 9


September 20th, 1999

I sat on my desk with my hands clutching a plain A4 sized paper and grinning from ear to ear. It has been a long boring day and someone needs to make it lively.

And there was no other person in a perfect position to do that than me. All eyes were now on me as I walked briskly towards the extreme of the classroom. Mischievous smiles appeared on the faces of my classmate as the saw me stop beside the new girl in class.

Being the class comedian they knew I was at it again. Yeah, to get them rolling with laughter.
Taking a good look at the little blonde girl with floppy eyes, squint eyes and a pointed nose before me, I brought at the plain paper and placed it beside her.

“Hello class listen up”
I ordered and as if a whistle was blown, everywhere went dead silent.

“Can anyone spot the difference between this white paper and our little blonde here?”
I asked sarcastically and the whole class went into an uproar.

“Oh I forget that there is no difference. For she is just as white as this paper”

The students laughter filled the classroom, as I stood grinning from ear to ear.

“Awwn and look at those floppy ears…”
I said and made for her ears and pulled them gently.
“…tell me, can you fly with these?”
I asked still pulling her ears and ignoring the disapproving look on the girl’s face.

November 27th, 199

We were out for sports. The students had earlier divided themselves into different groups. And each group were playing a different game.
I happened to be the leader of my group. Just when we were about starting, we saw Deborah moving towards us.

She greeted with a smile but what met her was a dead silence. The look on everyone’s face showed that she wasn’t in any way welcome.

“Please can I join your group? I don’t like the games going on in the other groups. They seem a bit hard for me.”

She said after a long silence.
“Is she talking to me?”
I asked sarcastically.

“No, I think she is referring to Sarah.”
One of the girls said with a mocking tune and pointed at the girl beside me.

That way, we kept on pointing from one girl to another as Deborah stood staring at us with tear filled eyes.

“Oh no she is crying. What a pity!”
I said with my voice depicting a sense of mockery.

“You see dear, you can’t join us. The game wouldn’t be that interesting with you around. Hope I am right girls?”

“Yeah. She’s gonna make us freak out. I wonder if she was dipped in a bowl of hypo”

One of the girls said with a note of finality.
When Deborah saw that there was no way we were going to have her in our group she walked away silently with tears running down her cheek. Sitting quietly at a corner she watched us till the game was over. At times we’ll steal glances at her and let out a loud laughter. That was the last time I saw her till I left secondary school.

To be continued

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