Cursed desires episode 6


Uche’s phone calls were gradually getting toxic. I was beginning to hate associating with unremorseful fellows. He called me on phone when I was ripping him apart in the presence of my wife.

I placed the phone to my ear and exhaled. His breathy voice said he had taken his wife to the hospital. I sprang to my feet. What?! I didn’t expect his nemesis to catch up with him this quick. What on Earth had the innocent woman to do with this jam?

He told me they had gone to see a gynecologist. Over the years, they’d not taken their problem to any medical doctor. They had to go the modern way. They’d been too religiousous about the whole thing. I sniffed heavily. I thought it had come to the worst. But why were they going to some gynecologist anyway? It wasn’t about rushing to a doctor.

However, he told me the gynecologist confirmed that his wife had endometriosis as a result of immune system disorder and there was little or no chances of becoming pregnant.
Even if the doctor was right, it still boiled down to the curses laid on him by joy. It was simply a sacred utterance that hindered fertiliity. But I wasn’t expecting the next thing he’d told me. He said he was confirmed to be fertiile. His wife was actually the smoky log.

Doctors and their little machines could be wrong most times. How could a man bearing such curses still be fertiile. Nature can never be mocked! This was nonsense!

That evening, I jokingly relayed the phone conversations to my wife but she rather took things indifferently. She asked me a question I didn’t answer in a hurry. She asked me again, if I really hadn’t l@id Joy. I mopped my face with my palm. It happened long ago after all; before I even married her (my wife). What was the big deal if I told her that I once had a tastte of joy too. I took my time to sit up and rest my elbows on my knees before telling her that I actually did it. Our eyes didn’t meet. I kept gazing at the portrait that hung on the wall.

However, I noticed that she felt bad about it and quickly told her it was already fifteen years past. Besides, it was a quick one. Uche had his way anytime, anywhere! He was all over her. I tried cheering my wife up but she remained cold. Her lips were like a hard line. I felt a sick hollow emptiness in my stomach.

She lifted her face to reveal her bloodshot eyes. Why the tears? It’d been fifteen whole years. I regretted telling her. I shouldn’t have admitted to doing it. I went over to her. I tried to cheer her up but she said something I hadn’t expected to hear. She said I should go see a doctor. She bluffed something about pelvvic disorder or l0w sperrm count. Something about infertility!

I withdrew sharply from her. What ruckus was she trying to make? I was okay as every other fruitful man out there. Had we not produced three healthy babies in our six years as man and wife? I began to flare up. How could she joke with something as important as fertiliity?

She looked straight to my eyeballs like a war goddess, her lips quivering. Then, she cracked the craziest joke. She said I wasn’t the father of our three kids. I almost grew horns and a tale. She wasn’t loud but I’d heard her loud and clear under the roof. She said she’d long discovered that I was impotent but had to cover me up. She called me names for being such a monster to have impregnated a girl fifteen years past, without knowing!

I couldn’t contain my furry. My right hand warped in the air and landed heavily on her face. She fell to a cushion and wailed uncontrollably…

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