Trouble For Dubai episode 3


Wife: you know how I want a big business that will give me a lot of profit…..
Before wife could finish talking husband is already sleeping.

Wife: I am talking and you are sleeping, she try to wake husband up but husband refused to listen to her.
The next day in the morning husband is ready to go to work, but wife didn’t make any breakfast, she didn’t even come out of the bedroom.
The husband noticed that his wife is still dreaming of big business with big profit, he didn’t bother himself about her, he just set out to his work.

Big Mama called the wife that day to remind her about the big business men coming from abroad, let her make sure she gets everything ready before then.
That same day in the afternoon when the husband went back home from work, his wife didn’t prepare anything for him, instead she started arguing about the money..

Husband: I don’t have any money to play around with it, why can’t you understand?.
Wife: huh! So, you mean I want to play with your money?
Husband: breathe heavily, something similar to that.
Wife: I never knew you were like this when I married you.
Husband move closer to his wife and try to hold her hands, but she pushed his hands and Walk way.

Starting from that day no food for husband in the house and husband can’t even touch his wife for a second.
The wife will dressed up every morning and walk out of the house, sometimes she will only come back home in the evening.
Whatever the husband will say she will turned deaf ears and will not listen to him.

Two weeks later a friend of the husband who is also a doctor called the husband to his office, the husband went and meet his friend and his friend told him that his wife had an abortion in their hospital.
It so happens that before his friend could find out, she has already had the abortion by a different doctor in the hospital.

The husband couldn’t believe his wife will go as far as this, he left the hospital at once and went back home to meet his wife.

Husband called his wife.
He when together with the doctor who helped his wife.
Wife is looking surprised to see the doctor.
Husband looking serious, ” why did you do it?”
Wife: do what?
Husband slap wife, are you still asking me?
Wife keep quiet.
Husband: is the pregnancy not mine own?
Wife: shouted, “I swear it’s your own Oo”.
Husband: then, why did you abort my child when you know that every couple need a child?.
Wife: I can’t keep a child right now.
Husband: and why?
Wife: humming……I told you I want to start business…….

To be continued.
Bro Mono Moses

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