The Gateman episode 2

The Gateman

Episode Two

Exactly one month after Bekee started sleeping with The Gateman, she missed her period.

At first, she doubted it was pregnancy, but she bought a pregnancy test strip and dipped it in her urine and it came out positive. To be double sure, Bekee went to the hospital and carried out a blood test and it showed that indeed, she had been put in the family way.

Of course, Bekee was very wise because within the period that she started sleeping with The Gateman, she occasionally lured Chima her husband into her room and he slept with her too. That way, there was no suspicion about who was responsible for the pregnancy, at least from Chimaโ€™s side.

With a lot of joy in her heart, Bekee presented the pregnancy test result to Chima one Sunday evening.

โ€œAre you sure about this?โ€ Chima asked as he snatched the white envelope from Bekee. He was panting like a dog that has pursued an antelope.

โ€œJust open the envelope. How can I joke about pregnancy?โ€ Bekee said with a charming laughter on her face.

โ€œGod! Iโ€™m so excited. I have waited for this good news for so many years. Finally, itโ€™s here.โ€ Chima said as he tore the envelope. He nearly tore the test result out of excitement.

Ngozika was present in the room when Bekee broke the news of her pregnancy. In fact, Bekee made sure Ngozika heard her loud and clear.

โ€œI feel on top of the world. I feel like a queen.โ€ Bekee said as Chima hugged her tightly more than ever before.

โ€œGod has wiped all our tears. After so many years of waiting. Oh! My God.โ€ Chima said excitedly as he went to the fridge and brought out a bottle of red wine to celebrate the moment.

The scene and the whole celebration were very painful for Ngozika, so she stood up and left the room with a heavy heart.

โ€œWhat is wrong with me? Why did Bekee get pregnant before me? She couldnโ€™t get pregnant after five years but got pregnant just within this month that Iโ€™m here?โ€ Ngozika asked herself as she got to the balcony where she sat down and nursed her pain. She felt so hurt that it took her several hours to stop crying.

She had felt she would get pregnant the very first month of her arrival so that Bekee would be chased out completely from the house. But things are going differently. Now that Bekee is pregnant, Nogozika knew that her position in Chimaโ€™s house and heart was greatly under threat.

โ€œI cannot lose Chima.โ€ Ngozika said with a very resolute tone. โ€œHe is rich and this is exactly the life I want. I will fight.โ€ She vowed.

Ngozika was indeed a very smart lady. She was not entirely convinced Bekeeโ€™s pregnancy was true. She decided to clear her doubts.

That night, after Chima finished making love to her, she collected his semen and cocked it in a small white bottle and kept it in her fridge. Chima was not aware of this as she did it very secretly.

Very early the next morning, she took the bottle to the hospital laboratory and demanded for a seminal analysis. She was apprehensive as she sat in the doctorโ€™s office waiting for the result to arrive. Even though there was an air conditioner in the office, she was sweating profusely and her heart was beating very fast.

Soon, the result of the analysis arrived as the lab scientist handed it over to the doctor.

โ€œWhat does the result say? Tell me at once.โ€ Ngozika said. Her voice was shaking as if she was drunk.

โ€œYour husband is impotent. He has a low sperm count and he canโ€™t get anyone pregnant.โ€ The doctor declared. The words fell on Ngozikaโ€™s ears like sharp pieces of shrapnel.

โ€œI knew it!โ€ Ngozika shouted on top of her voice. She jumped out of her seat and snatched the test result from the doctor and disappeared from the office with the speed of light.

โ€œI knew she got pregnant outside. That witch called Bekee. Now that I have proof for the truth, I will show her the stuff Iโ€™m made of.โ€ She vowed as she jumped into her car and started driving home with speed.

Ngozika entered Chimaโ€™s compound with speed like a group of military men coming to make an arrest. The sound of her tires and breaks rang in the entire compound.

โ€œThe battle line is drawn.โ€ Ngozika said as she jumped down from her car with youthful agility. She unzipped her hand bag and brought out the test result and held it like a weapon as she stepped into the house.

Crazy days ahead.


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