The End Is Only The End episode 4

Episode 4

I was about asking again when a soldier walked by. I found my palms hiding the gun under my shirts as my eyes looked away innocently.

” She- Yes she will help you ” James dashed his eyes from horizon to plains ” trust me on this. You are not alone.”

” How many of you are there? I asked again to be sure.
” Just us. The both of us”

I stared at him.” Have we met before ? The face.”
He looked at Cara coolvalstories then back at me.

“No sir! My best guess : its just face resemblance.”

Cara introduced herself as a special NRRF agent. A spy and she was ready to help in any way possible. Her past had been blood laden and she was the right person for any tactical operation.

” Why are you doing this? I asked , convinced rather afraid ,atleast . She didnt seem like she would bite me .

” Revenge ” Cara breathed in. ” My uncle was the pastor they murdered”.

Anger. Pain. I could smell it in the air. Holy bulocks!! Be careful Nino.

” Okay! ” James began” So how are we going to do this?
I took a snappy glance at the soldiers , heaved in a sigh and replied ” Follow my lead”

Moments later…

Cara stood up, blood stains on her dress. The soldiers were puzzled as to what was happening. She screamed for help. Tears caked her cheeks , she fell down again into my arms.
She convulsed and splattered foams out of her mouth . it was intense that even me could believe it to be true. Oh what an actor !

” Help us! ” I keyed in and begged the soldiers nearby .

Everyone in the church hall was startled. Their attention focused on the direction the disturbance emanated .

” What’s going on ,eh? What’s happening there, eh? Why cant you people die in peace. Must you make noise, eh??
” disturbed Abdul questioned. ” Yusuf? What’s happening there ?

Panic. Adrenaline burst into the atmosphere….

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