Nursing My Mother In Law (short story

Nursing my mother inlaw 1

So my mother inlaw came to stay with us cause she’s not feeling fine and needed care, mama is diabetic and as we all know Mama’s food should be specially made to avoid too much salt,oil and other things that is not good for her health condition, this was the most difficult task for me cause I had to cook Mama’s food separate from the family meal then makes sure she had a balanced diet too, her female children who are all married claimed to be very busy and couldn’t afford to have mama in their homes.

As a daughter in-law I took it upon myself to take mama into my home and manage her health, it was difficult even with the help of a maid at home.

Mama nags over everything I do for her, she doesn’t appreciate anything I do and this alone has been so discouraging.

I got into the kitchen to see mama eating from my pot of food, no she didn’t dish out but ate directly from the pot.

Me: mama what are you doing? How can you eat directly from the pot of food instead of dishing out? And besides this is not what you are supposed to eat mama, this food is not healthy for your condition.

Immediately mama started crying that I used her health condition to mock her, immediately my husband walked in to ask what happened and I narrated.

Hubby: so because my mother eats from the pot that’s why you are shouting at her? If you don’t want to eat the food again leave it, I am her son I’ll eat it.

Me: honey, do you even understand what’s happening? Mama is not supposed to eat this meal, it’s not good for her health.

Hubby: so the small portion she ate will kill her abi? You just hate my mother that’s all.

Mama: yesooo she hates meooooo cause if it’s her mother that ate she won’t complain.

Me: mama my mother isn’t so disorganized to eat directly from a full pot of soupooo don’t try this again abeg.

I walked out angry from the kitchen leaving both of them.

Mama kept doing very annoying things that got me angry always but I endured cause she was my mother inlaw.

She was always calling her daughters to lie against me, mama would abuse her drugs by either not taking them or taking overdose, I had to keep the drugs away from her and give her the correct dose at the appropriate time but mama called her children to say that I hid her drugs and refused giving them to her to take, then calls and insults from the children would come into my phone immediately, they even threatened to deal with me if anything happens to mama yet my husband wasn’t saying anything about it.

One of the days I cooked unripe plantain porridge for Mama she threw away a whole lot of food saying it wasn’t tasty,

Mama: you feed me like an animal, look at the tasteless meal u cooked for me, you are using my health condition to maltreat me in my son’s house wicked woman.

Me: mama this is how your food should be till you recover, I didn’t give u tasteless food cause I hate u, I am trying to help you eat right till you recover Biko nnem.

I said smiling and touching mama to get a smile from her, but she pushed me away and poured plenty water into my pot of food.

Mama: since tasty meals isn’t good for the health let’s all eat like animals.

Me: mama you are becoming annoying and inconveniencing me in my home, I am trying to be a daughter you never had and all you do is to trash my effort.

Mama left me and picked her phone to call one of her daughters to say I insulted themooo that I said they abandoned her for me so I’m better than her us*less daughters, she even said I asked her to leave that she’s inconveniencing me.

Calls and insulting messages came as usual but at this point I wasn’t the same person that cries her self to sleep because of that again, I gave out Vawulence.


โœ๏ธโœ๏ธโœ๏ธโœ๏ธNdiana Paul

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