Valentine’s Adventure episode 3

Valentine’s Adventure
Written by Savvy

Episode three

If you’ve ever watched a scene in an horror movie, where someone head is being removed from his/her body, then You alone know how horrible and scary it is. Now imagine me being tied to a tree and watching how people are being slaughtered in reality.

I almost shouted in horror, when the girl at the extreme removed an eyeball from the slaughtered head and chew it like it was a candy.

You guys shouldn’t be afraid. This is just the beginning, my girlfriend said to us.

Tomi why are you doing all this us, I asked my girlfriend, calling her by her name.

Oh my dear, she said, walking to me. You’ll my know my real name after the third game, that’s if you survive. She added giggling and her comrades followed suit.

We’ll be back for the second game, she said and the all vanish into thin air.

Oh God is this how I’m going to die, lamented a guy who was being tied close to Samuel.

Hey listen, your not dying and no one else is, I said, wondering where the boldness came from. We’re not going to die, if we all co-operate together, I added, dragging their attention to me.

We’re all listening said a guy with huge muscular body said.

I have a plan for our escape, I said. But it’s fate will be determine after the second game, I added.

But we don’t know what the second game would be, said the muscular guy again. Yeah we may not know what the second game might be, I said, but what I’ll advise all of us, is to follow my lead, when the second game is over, I’ll let us know the plan, I added.

Okay, said the muscular guy. Hope we’ve all agree to this, he added and they all replied yes, except four other guys, who where tied along side Gideon.

We’ll not accept any st*pid plan of his, a black guy with a deep voice said. Who is he to give us instructions, the guy beside him added. We’re not following your orders Oga, said the fourth guy.

He’s not ordering anyone, the muscular guy said. He’s trying to help us. But it’s alright if you don’t want to listen to what he’s saying, as for me, seeing the way he’s girlfriend looked at him as if he was posing some kind of threat, I’m following him, he added. And that settled everything for everyone.

Evening was fast approaching and we all were begining to get hungry and tired. I’m going to collapse here oh, if I don’t eat food in the next ten minutes, said a tall light skin guy, who was tied at Gideon’s extreme.

Did someone mention food, my girlfriend voice echoed out of nowhere and startled us all. It wasn’t long before she and her comrades appeared close to us with two bags each from an eatery I know very well in town. We all went for shopping and we’re back, she said laughing d*abolically.

Now the second game is called. “The bread of life and the wine of death, her comrade beside her spoke, and they all dropped the Bags infront of them and began removing the contents from it. The contents were food and drinks.

I noticed something about the drinks, though the were all one energy drink, the caps of the rubbers were in three different colors, white green and blue.

Now here’s how to play the game, my girlfriend said. You pick a food and we feed you, then a drink and we’ll give you. The food aren’t poisoned only the drinks are. So the choices are yours. Note the poison works within two minutes, so if we see you reacting to it, we’ll cut out your tongue, then your head, she added laughing. Let the game begin, she shouted. Now choose.

I calmed my nerves down, something felt familiar. I tried recalling a memory, then I remembered when I was at this same eatery they got this things from, with my girlfriend. We were playing a game called choose and win or lose. A game where I’ll close my eyes and she’ll write I love you on one of the colored cardboards she had already carved round and I’ll have to choose which one she wrote it on.

I noted what was familiar. Twas the colors. The colors of the cardboards where the same with the caps of the drinks on the ground infront of us.

I wasn’t good at the game so I kept failing. One day after failing like usual, she told me that any day I’m out with her and I’m given an opportunity to choose between colors, either in a game or anything else, I should go for Green colors that I’ll win or be saved. Now everything Dawn on me like she was training me all this while.

I choose the drink with a green cap, I said and my girlfriend nodded her head and smiled. I turned my head and looked at Samuel and nodded and also did same to Gideon. Immediately I did that, they both went for Green. The muscular guy followed so did few who agreed with me. The four guys who disagreed with me choose their food and also the drinks with a blue cap. Some who weren’t sure of who to follow, went for the white color.

They girls laughed and began feeding us. It wasn’t up to ten minutes when the four guys who choosed blue began vomiting whitish foam soon those who choosed white joined in vomiting the same whitish foam.

The girls laughed, brought out a knife and cut off their tongues, followed with their heads. None of us alive, screamed. I guess we were getting the j*rk of the game.

The girls all stopped feeding us immediately the ones who were slaughtering the guys head, held their heads with their hand.

We’ll be back in two hours for The next game, be prepared, my girlfriend said and she with the girls vanished lnto thin air.

To be continued.

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