The Revenge Mission Episode One
Gina is a 35 year old woman who has worked very hard and made money for herself. She was from a humble background and life showed her ‘shege’ when she was younger. Now, having become a successfully real estate developer, she had everything money could buy. Jane started out in life as a simple house agent who helped people find apartments for rent. He graduated to buying her own houses and then owing many properties in the city. Gina could afford to buy anything she wants no matter how much it costs. But one problem is that she does not have a husband. She has always been lonely. She also does not keep friends. She lives alone in her mansion.
“This house is so big for me to be living alone. I wonder when I’m going to get my own husband. I’m now 35 years old without a husband. This is not good and this is not life. I’m even ashamed of going to the village because my family members will start asking me when I’m going to bring a husband home. I hate that question and I always don’t know how to answer it. Am I the one that will marry myself?” Gina asked herself that evening while relaxing in her living room and drinking red wine.
“People will be asking when you are getting married as if they want to give you a man. I cannot marry myself. I have been waiting for a man all to no avail. I cannot force myself on a man. Well, if not what my friend did to me 15 years ago, I would have been married by now with kids.” Gina lamented. She remembered she had plan of paying her former friend a special visit.
“That reminds me, it is today that I’m supposed to visit her. Her cup is full and it is time for me to carry out my revenge. She was the one who kept me in this situation. I know Nkem will not even recognize me again if she sees me. I think I should pay them a visit. She does not even know that I live in this city of Port Harcourt. I know where she lives with her husband. I will pay them a visit this weekend and implement the revenge plans I have prepared for her. What she did to me 15 years ago was cruel and she must pay for her sins. I will make her pay for her sins. I have been planning this revenge for a long time, but now is the time for me to go and carry it out.” Gina said. She was happy that she has made money and bought many properties and she does not have to work every day to be able to survive.
“Even if I don’t go to work, my properties have paid me enough money to use and survive for many years. I worked hard to make money so that I will position myself very well to serve revenge to Nkem. She thinks I’m going to forget what she did to me when we were still coming up as young ladies. Well, she now has children and she is living happily with her husband, but I’m about to cut their happiness short. I’m going to destroy her family.” Gina said. That same evening, she packed her bags and went to Nkem’s house. She has already mapped out the strategy she was going to use to gain access into the building. She decided to disguise as a poor woman looking for a domestic job. Nkem’s husband is a very rich man and Nkem had many domestic staff that work in the compound.
“I’m going to take up a job in her compound. Working in the compound will give access to everything and everyone. That is the only way I will be able to destroy the family.” Gina said as she took her bag and left her house. She didn’t go with her car. She used her phone to order an Uber ride. Before she took the decision to serve Nkem with revenge, she had taken time to carry out an investigation about Nkem’s family. In fact, she hired a private detective who studied the family and gave her detailed information about the house. It was the private detective who also informed him that there was a vacancy at Nkem’s house as they were looking for a nanny for her five children. Gina and her husband do not have the time to look after children, so they usually hire nannies to do the job. Their nanny had recently resigned and they were looking for another person. That was the job Gina was going to take. But her real intention was to gain access to the building and carry out her revenge.
“I’m going to destroy you Nkem. I know everything about you and I know what to do to destroy and your family. You were my friend when we were growing up but I will never forget what you did to me. It was 15 years ago but it is still very much fresh in my mind.” Gina said. The Uber had arrived and they were now driving to Nkem’s house. Luckily, there was no holdup in Port Harcourt that evening, so they soon arrived in Nkem’s house. Gina walked into the building after being permitted by the gateman. Luckily, she met Nkem at home that evening. It was Sunday, so she did not go to work.
“Good evening ma.” Gina said to Nkem who was sitting with her husband, Dr Benji. Benji was a wealthy medical doctor who owned a chain of hospitals and pharmacies. He was also at home that evening.
“Good evening young lady. How may we help you?” Nkem asked.
“I have come to apply for the job ma. I saw a vacancy outside the get announcing that you are looking for a nanny.” Gina said.
“Okay. How many years of experience do you have?” Nkem asked. Gina knew that Nkem would not recognize her. Benji also did not recognize Gina. They did not know her because she had done plastic surgery on her face. Her face was no longer the same.
“I have 10 years of experience. I have been a family nanny for many people. Some of the children I help raise are doing well in school. I’m intelligent too. I used to help children with their home works. I’m also a good cook. I can cook all types of meals. So, if you hire me, you will benefit a lot. Besides, I’m a Christian and your children will learn good morals from me.” Gina said.
“Wow! I like the way you talk. You are hired already.” Nkem said. Gina was overjoyed. She was shown to a room that was well-decorated.
“This is your room. You can live here while working.” Nkem said to Gina while showing her around the whole building.
“Thank you ma.” Gina said.
That very night, Gina started with her revenge mission.
“What Nkem did to me cannot go unpunished. There is no time to waste. I’m starting tonight. I wills start with small acts of revenge and graduate to my ultimate plan. By the time I finish all my plans, the family would have been destroyed.” Gina said mischievously. She went to the kitchen and turned on the gas cooker. She didn’t ignite fire. She just wanted the gas to be leaking. She could perceive the odour of gas. She wants the entire building to be filled with gas so that a single spark will create fire. She unscrewed it and left it to leak. She locked up the kitchen.
“I hope Nkem will be the one to enter the kitchen and try to cook in the morning or this night. I want her to burn. This is just the beginning. She will pay for all she did to me.” Gina said as she went back to her room.
Watch out for next episode
© Nabih Aben
This revenge na swift one oooooh 😅