A Story by Ayodele Adeoye
Episode Three
We finished our service and Jocelyn was retained as a finance clerk in NNPC Abuja with robust and mouth watering emoluments. I really couldn’t make serious savings while serving because my family responsibilities had grown bigger than normal. Two of my siblings were to enter into the university at the same year and all their financial burden was on me. The demands from my parents were more at this time, especially when they heard I was working in NNPC. I spent every dim I got on my family during my service year. While serving, we lived in Jocelyn’s father’s guest house in Maitama, a part of Abuja with a very high cost of living. It wasn’t my headache anyway, because everything was available for us.
Jocelyn’s father never wanted us together but Jocelyn has a way of brainwashing her father and twisting his hand to get everything she wanted. I was afraid of the marriage I was going into because I knew I was going to be an elevated house boy rather than a husband but I can’t say no to Jocelyn especially because of all the help she had rendered to me while I was in school. I would have been ungrateful if I make her unhappy. Jocelyn made me who I am today. She helped me when I could not afford my school bills and now she needs my consent for marriage, I can’t tell her no. Anytime the issue of our marriage is discussed, my heart is never at peace but I have no option than to wave away the fears. How can I go into a marriage I won’t be able to contribute a dime to the wedding plans? The N60,000 in my account can do nothing considering Jocelyn’s high taste.
We began to plan for our wedding, I was just like a rubber stamp to all Jocelyn’s decisions. Of course what do you expect, the rich decides, the poor obeys. Jocelyn’s wedding gown alone was about a million naira, it was ordered from the US. The wedding expenses were just excessively much. Funds that should have been given to me to start a good business with. The promise to get me a job in another parastatal never materialized. I depended on Jocelyn for factually everything. I attempted picking a teaching job in a private school with a salary of N35000 but she talked it down and discouraged me from picking a job that will relegate the status of her family. We got married without my input. My family were relatively happy as they see my marriage to Jocelyn as liberation from poverty.
We had no minute of time together with my wife two days after our wedding. All attentions were on guests and dignitaries who attended our wedding. Nobody seems to bother about me as all attention was on my wife. She was lavished with costly gifts and with many cash gifts. The minister of the Federal Capital Territory dashed my wife a Toyota Camry car and all documents registered in her maiden name. The only gift I received as husband was a copy of king James Bible, three packaged shirts and N50,000 cash gift. One week after our wedding, we didn’t do as husband and wife, not even a kiss. After our wedding we were given an apartment of three bedroom flat in central area. Her father furnished the house with everything with a special attention to her room. The second room was mine while the third was arranged as a guest room. In this part of the North, it was our culture to dedicate a room for our wives in which her father will furnished before or during her wedding. It wasn’t a big deal seeing Jocelyn’s room adorned with costly and beautiful house wares.
Even though we were married, I couldn’t go to her room or initiate any conjugal intimacy. All the time we dated we never had s*x, not even a kiss. I was a Christian so I didn’t bother asking her for s*x in the days of courtship. We never had time to sit and talk about our marriage. The three weeks of her leave elapsed and we had no single time of intimacy. She resumed work and our marriage became more of a jungle marriage than romantic relationship. She lives for work as early as 7am and returns later in the evening very tired. She barely finished her food before dosing off. Most days she will be so tired that she won’t visit the dinning. I do all the house chores including cooking and washing her clothes. I was married but lonely.
Saturdays are her work free days but she has a small boutique in Wuse where she visits to supervise her sales representatives. Most Sundays, Jocelyn doesn’t go to church, she uses Sunday to rest. Four weeks after our wedding we had not had s*x because there wasn’t any ground for it. On my part it was difficult for me to initiate it because Jocelyn was not different from the bossy lady I used to run errands for while in the university. My marriage was a web of wealth. I began to contact my friends for advice. The first person I called was Evans. Evans had been married for five years and his marriage is enviable. He thought me how to make the move for s*x and how to be bold and take my place as the husband. I will make the first move tonight using all the strategies Evans taught me, I told myself.
My first move was funny.
——————– 👇
Never displease yourself to please others .
And money is not everything ooo!
Episode Four
When she came back from work that day, I began to tell her sweet things like, Jocelyn I love you dearly, you are a beautiful woman, you are the pride of your generation, an epitome of dignity and royalty etc. These I had rehearsed all day awaiting my wife as I was taught by my friend Evans. She rarely gave attention to my rhymes as she walked pass me waving her hand and heading straight to her room. I rushed into the kitchen to arrange her dinner. Evans had taught me to serve her on the bed. In ten minutes I was done, well packaged meal with a royal touch. When I got to her room Jocelyn was fast asleep. She went to bed with her shoes and her office dress intact.
I was really discouraged and disappointed because of all the stress I went through to prepare the meal. My inability to make love to my wife that night was not as painful as the wasted effort put into preparing the meal. I stood by her bedside for almost three minutes not knowing what to do. I made attempt to wake her up but she was snoring loudly. But will this food waste seeing how much money and time I have put into it? I tapped her arm and she made an unconscious turn, her left hand went straight to the tray in my hand and it slipped from my hand and everything dropped to the floor. The sound of the accident woke Jocelyn. What was that? She asked gently and continued her sleep. For about twenty minutes I was cleaning up the mess. I gave up on my plan that day and went to bed very sad.
I called Evans to update him on what happened and he laughed me to scorn. Why are you laughing at me Evans, I asked him angrily. He advised me to repeat same process the following day. I was sorry for myself. One month old marriage without intimacy. Nothing seemed to bother Jocelyn as everything seemed normal to her. How can a woman be married for one month without coming close to her husband, even if not for the pleasure, at least for the sake of raising children. I encouraged myself and decided I will try again the following day.
I was preparing her another delicacy for dinner when she called me to inform me her sister would be visiting us. “Please include her for dinner tonight” she said.
Kauna arrived Abuja at about 5:60pm around the time Jocelyn normally comes back home. When she closed from work, she headed to the airport to pick Kauna. Kauna was to spend two weeks with us for her vacation. When they came back, I served them dinner and they ate and talked till midnight. Then I began to wonder why Jocelyn was always coming back home looking so tired everyday. The presence of her sister changed everything in the house. Jocelyn now comes early everyday. She eats dinner with her sister regularly without giving me any attention.
With Kauna in the house my mission was put on hold for another two weeks. Kauna did not use the guest room for one day, she slept with her sister on her bed while I slept alone in my room. Six weeks after my marriage, I haven’t known my wife as husband and wife. What kind of marriage is this?
My brothers yet to be married and reading my story, beware of a rich wife. My unfortunate marriage taught me a lot of lessons I don’t wish for anyone. I am married to a rich woman but I was not fulfilled.
It continues