Dave was suprised with the kind of love my parent had for Elijah and advised me to let Elijah stay with my parents since they were already fond of each other but I should let him know how related I was to him.
I later decided to let Elijah stay with them on a condition he was going to be told I was his mother which my parents agreed.
Dave came the following day which we all agreed to tell Elijah the truth about his identity . it was hard explaining to my 7 years old son that I was his mother when he had thought I was just a sister to him. I was met with the greatest question when he asked who his father was,this was the question I had least expected and planned for but Dave came to my aid when he explained the situation to him in the best way he could understand that we could not get married because his family did not like our relationship but he should not worry as he has 2 fathers Dave and my father who really cared for him.
Elijah called me mother the first time and it was bliss to hear such from his mouth. Dave promised to be his father and be there for him.
We traveled the next day without Elijah . Life continued as my relationship with Dave blossom and I could not stop thanking God for bringing Dave into my life.
Dave was the definition of a perfect man expect from some flaws he had which I never took serious as I was blinded by love and desperation.
He was a man with low self esteem even with all his richness and was always angry when he noticed others were succeeding than him . He was domineering and believed men only owns the world .
I knew this was a red flag but it was late for me to go back but I thought no man could be complete and I could manage this attribute of his and he would change with time like I could actually change myself talk less of a man with a rigid mindset.
He was always angry with my achievement and I avoided sharing of my achievement with him as he had a way of bringing it down.
Dave was really interested in Elijah so much that he would travel to my parents house and hang out with Elijah. I was happy he was bonding with my son and was giving him the fatherly figure he need. Dave was a man of his word as he was in charge of Elijah financial responsibility.
Dave was so proud and believed it was a huge achievement for any lady to date him and such woman should be grateful and depend on him as he could shoulder her responsibility . I knew I did not fit in into such category of ladies that would be grateful to date a man and depend on his achievement and build her world around him like he wanted.
I am a woman with dreams and purpose and would like to fulfill it no matter the situation.
My father advised me to either leave him or suit his taste but my mother was opposite and was reminding how menopause was near and I was already getting old. I decided to continue .
Do you think I made the right decision by continuing in such relationship with such red flag?