Dinner with Ikechukwu was so good and fantastic because he was so fun to be with with his caring attitude.
I got to know more about Ikechukwu with time as he was free with me to discuss his mind.
Ikechukwu was an engineer as he worked with a famous company. He owned a chain of business and he was really rich . He spent so much on his self development. He was always looking for an avenue to improve himself.
He was so intelligent that spending a little time with him was so interesting and full of lessons to learn.
I was always looking for opportunity to spend more time with him.
One thing I noticed about Ikechukwu was that he was always busy but I cared less and I was already in a race to marry soon as my sister wedding would soon take place.
It was around this time that Ikechukwu decided to asked me out, I knew he was going to ask me out one day, so I was not surprised when he pooped the question out.
I told him to give me time,you know ladies and their shakara na. I wanted to do small shakara even though I was in love with him too much.
He was patient with me when I told him,I need time but he still spend on me . There was hardly any week that he doesn’t get present for me like exotic clothes, shoes and even set money.
He was really interested in my agenda to help other women as he sponsored the program with his money so that we could reach more women than before.
He was always interested in my development even though he was busy. I spared some of my time and visited him because he was mostly buried in different works and had no sufficient time for me but I cared less because I was also a busy woman and time was money.
It was during this time that I fell so sick and did not take it serious as I thought it was just normal malaria.
As days run by,I was getting more pale and sick but I was too busy to attend to my deteriorating health condition.
I was running the race to be successful, rich and get married early forgetting my health like we mostly do.
I was coming with different symptoms daily, like pain in the waist ,dizziness and lot more.
Ikechukwu could notice the signs and dullness even from our conversation . I was so sick that people were commenting on my looks but I did not want to waste time in the hospital.
I was so dark and slim during our next date that he was so interested in knowing what went wrong with me . He asked which hospital I went to but I told him none as I didn’t thought it was important.
He tried numerous ways to ensure I went to the hospital but I refused and told him I was okay but I knew I was not okay.
What do you think is wrong with me?. You will find out in the subsequent episode.
To be continued!!
©Ayodele Helen