Unpredicted Love Episode 9



(C) Judytex_Stories

“He is Annabelle’s son?” Deji managed to ask, with his heart beating faster.

“Yes,” Raymond replied.

Deji, who couldn’t believe his ears, didn’t know when he walked towards the little boy whose head was still resting on Raymond’s shoulder.

“Can I carry him for a moment?” Deji asked Raymond, who nodded in agreement.

“Sure,” he said, letting Deji carry the boy.

Carrying the little boy in his arms, Deji couldn’t help but feel guilty in his heart. And as he stared at him closely, he could see his resemblance in Ebun’s nose, eyes, and lips. Then with sadness in his heart, he asked,

“What’s your name?”

“My name is Ebunoluwa, but my friends call me Jasper,” Ebun replied.

When Deji heard him speak, he couldn’t help but notice how smart and outspoken he is. He was exactly as Raymond had once described him. Then, as if reading his mind, Roseline said,

“He’s such a smart kid,” she said, smiling at Ebun.

Then she turned to Raymond and asked:

“How old is he again?”

But before Raymond could say a word, Deji had already answered her question.

“He’s five years old,” Deji replied, fighting back tears. Then smiling sadly, he put his palm on his son’s cheek, and said, “Ebunoluwa. What a perfect name you have.”

Just then, Ebun turned to Raymond and asked:

“Daddy, are these your friends?” he asked innocently.

“Yes, Jasper. They’re my friends,” Raymond replied while slowly pulling Ebun’s cheek.

Hearing this, caused Deji’s heart to bleed with pain. It was hurtful to hear his son call someone else daddy in front of him. And at that moment he felt the strong urge to let the cat out of the bag. But the moment he remembered how close he was to the prize, he quickly suppressed the voice in his head urging him to reveal the truth.

Then he stared sadly at Ebun and in his heart, he said,

“I’m really sorry, son. For being an unworthy father to a perfect son like you. I pray that one day you will understand why I did all of this.” Deji said to himself while staring sadly at his son.

“Jasper, I think it’s time for us to go back to where we were playing before,” Raymond said, holding out his hands to Ebun, who went back to him.

Raymond then carried Ebun from Deji and laid his head back on his shoulder.

“You sure do like this little boy a lot. And seeing you like this, you could easily be mistaken for his biological father,” Roseline said to Raymond, who scoffed and replied:

“But that’s fine with me, because of course being responsible for the pregnancy of a child alone doesn’t really make one a father. If it were so, then this little boy would not have been longing for fatherly love when he has a father who is selfishly hiding somewhere and unable to live up to his responsibilities. So if people start seeing me as his father, then it means I’m doing a good job of filling the vacuum that his birth father created in his heart. Because I believe children only remember those who have been there at different stages of their lives. And with Jasper, I want to be one of those people who will forever leave a huge and indelible footprint in his life,” Raymond said.

When Deji heard this, he felt attacked. It seemed like Raymond was speaking straight into his heart. But he tried so hard not to show his pain and weaknesses before them.

“In just a few days of knowing this little boy, my cousin suddenly turned into a philosopher. Anyway, I totally get you because the boy is quite sweet and loveable. Seeing how I also fell in love with him on my first day of meeting him,” Roseline said with a smile.

“But why is he here in the company and not at school?” Deji asked.

“The thing is, his teacher called to inform his mother that something happened. So the lady who usually babysits him after school had to leave earlier than usual. And then I volunteered to pick him up from school and stay with him until closing time. Because his mom is pretty busy and wouldn’t want him around for now,” Raymond said.

“Why don’t you spare us the long story and just tell us that you have fallen in love with the boy’s mother?” Roseline asked with a smile.

When Deji heard this, he gave Raymond a suspicious look and waited for his answer.

“I don’t think I would have hidden that fact if it were like you claimed,” Raymond said.

“I thought so too. There’s no way you would have fallen in love with a single mom,” Deji added with a fake laugh.

“Now you’re beginning to make it seem like being a single mom is an abomination and a total turn-off,” Raymond told Deji.

“Don’t twist his words, Raymond. You and I know that’s how it is in the society we live in. Single mothers are seen as loosed and wayward individuals, and it takes the grace of God before a man with genuine intentions ever crosses their path,” Roseline affirmed.

“Well in that case I think you’re both part of the problems that single mothers are facing in the society. Who said it’s normal for a man to fall in love and marry a girl who has had multiple abortions but an abomination for him to be with a woman, who has chosen to keep her child’s life despite knowing the condemnation and judgment that comes with it? Don’t get me wrong, I am not, and never will I support premarital birth. But sometimes these things happen out of our control. Sometimes they happen unexpectedly. So before you judge or condemn any single mom, I advise you to first listen to their story. Yes, I agree that not all single mothers are victims of unfortunate circumstances. Some chose to become single mothers for selfish reasons. Either because they want to force a rich man or a married man to marry them or to support them. These types can go as far as having one or more kids for different men just so they can fund their lifestyle. While some choose to be single moms voluntarily because they just want to have a child, either for themselves or for their parents. While some forcefully become single mothers through rape. Some become single mothers due to the early loss of their husbands or divorce. Some have been unlucky enough to become single moms because they were immature or not clever enough to know that the guy they genuinely loved was only demonstrating fake love and making them empty promises. They don’t realize this until these guys must have gotten what they want. When such a case results in pregnancy, the lady who wants to keep her child, will have no choice but to take full responsibility for bringing the child into this world and nurturing them themselves. Any woman who does not practice abstinence can find herself in such a situation in one way or another. Because the heart is deceptive. So instead of judging and condemning some of these single mothers, I advise you to learn to appreciate them for being strong women. Because most single moms go through a series of unspeakable frustrations and struggles in life,” Raymond said.

“Hmmmm…..” Roseline sighed deeply. “I think you are right”

Since the door was still open, Ebun saw his mother walking down the hallway, and then he screamed.

“Mummy!” Ebun called waving at her.

And immediately Annabelle turned her face towards him, her eyes met Deji’s who continued to stare at her with sadness in his heart.

“Life itself has a way of allowing us to make things right. I wonder if Deji will take this opportunity and make things right again, or will he still harden his heart and continue in his way? This might be the last time he ever gets an opportunity like this,” Annabelle said in her heart as she stood staring at Deji.

As if listening to her thoughts, Deji said in his heart.

“I’m sorry Annabelle. Forgive this useless piece of junk in front of you. I guess I’ll always have to let you down because I think I’ve reached a point of no return,” he said to himself.

Raymond saw Annabelle and then he quickly dropped Ebun who with joy in his heart, ran to his mother, who squatted down and hugged him tightly.

As they both hugged, Deji kept staring at her until Roseline got jealous and angrily slammed the door, snapping Deji back to reality.

“What are you doing?” she asked angrily.

“I don’t understand. What are you talking about?” he asked, staring at Roseline in confusion and curiosity.

“Babe, don’t you think you are admiring the little boy too much? I know he’s cute and smart, but a little admiration would have been in order. Not you putting your soul into it,” Roseline complained jealously.

“Roseline, don’t tell me you’re jealous of a little boy,” Deji said in disbelief.

“Whatever,” Roseline said, waving him off.

Seeing her reaction, Deji couldn’t help but scoff.

Walking back to the waiting room, Annabelle asked,

“How did my son end up in Deji’s office?” Annabelle asked Raymond.

“I’m sorry. He wandered off while I was on call and wasn’t paying attention to him. Please forgive my negligence,” Raymond apologized.

“It’s fine. Blood they say is thicker than water. I don’t know how of all the offices, he ended up in Deji’s office” Annabelle said.

“What are you talking about?” Raymond asked confused.

“Never mind. It’s nothing,” Annabelle said, rubbing her son’s hair with a sad smile on her lips.

After work, Raymond dropped Annabelle and her son at her gate. He was about to say goodbye to little Ebun when he realized he was fast asleep.

“I guess he really had enough fun playing with me today,” Raymond said smiling as he rubbed Ebun’s head.

“Raymond?” Annabelle called.

“Yes?” he replied.

“Why are you good to me and my son? You went as far as to let him call you daddy even though you’re not his biological father. Is there anything I need to know?” she asked, staring straight into his eyes.

“Come on Annabelle. You must not attach deep meanings to everything. Not everyone has an underlying motive to be good to others. Some are good because they are good. So don’t worry too much. I saw your son and fell in love with him for no reason. And the fact that I’m good to you is only because of him. Who told you to give birth to such an amazing son who easily conquers people’s hearts?” Raymond asked with a smile.

When Annabelle heard this, she gave him a chuckle.

“If that’s the case, I’m really grateful for everything. You’re just the first man to treat us like this. So I got confused and curious about the whole thing,” Annabelle said.

“It’s fine. I understand. But why haven’t you thought about dating again? Or have you decided to stay single for the rest of your life?” Raymond asked.

“What sane man would want to be with a woman who has a son for another man? For the past five years, every man who has approached me has had a sudden change of heart when I told them I was a single mom. Some believe that I am just an instrument of sexual pleasure and nothing else. I once met a man who said if I want him to take me seriously then I have to take my son back to his father as he was not willing to father another man’s son. Some said it would be difficult for me to get married because I have a son instead of a daughter. In the end, I found out that I’ll never find love again,” she said.

“Your story is pathetic. But your assumptions are wrong. You are a young and very beautiful woman. You deserve to love and be loved just like every other person out there. Being a single mother does not make you inferior or unfit for love. I believe that at the right time you will meet a very mature man who knows what he wants. A man who will look beyond your past mistakes and embrace you for the person you have grown and now changed into. Marrying you is a blessing and fathering your son will be an additional blessing. Because Jasper is a unique kid. So whoever doesn’t want to have anything to do with you because of him is definitely blind and sick. And in no way deserves to be with you,” Raymond said.

“Thanks, Raymond,” Annabelle said with tears streaming down her cheeks.

“It’s okay, Annabelle. I will continue to be like a father to Jasper until you find a suitable father for him. Which I think you will soon,” Raymond said, wiping away her tears.

The next day at work, Mr. Tobi sent for Annabelle, Raymond, Roseline, and Deji.

Standing before him, Mr. Tobi said,

“Get ready, the four of you are going on a business trip this weekend,” he announced.

Hearing this, Deji turned and set his gaze on Annabelle who quickly looked away.

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