The Strange Proposal episode 21

Part 21
ยฉFranca Uwuigiaren

I had woken up one night with the intention of engaging in praises to God. I wanted to just dance and celebrate the goodness of God in my family. I looked at my Oroma, sleeping. She slept very late because of the pain and discomfort. Looking at her sleeping, I just didn’t want to wake her to join me. For quite some time now, she hadn’t been sleeping, and I didn’t like it.

The boils were so big that I no longer carried her to the bathroom every day. Each time I tried to carry her, she would scream and cry, so I decided to clean her in the bedroom. Though the smell was unbearable, like I said before, we decided not to give the devil any reason to laugh at us. We just pretended the smell didn’t exist.

Anyway, there was a nudging to go to the sitting room. Was there anything amiss? I asked myself. I stood up, picked my Bible, and decided to check on the kids before settling in the sitting room to praise God.

Just as I entered, I almost ran back; for in my sitting room, sat the river goddess and a very handsome man beside her. This man was so handsome that I stared at him in awe. While the goddess was dressed half-n***d, this handsome man wore a white robe, but on a closer look, there were dirty spots on the robe. Immediately, I recognized him as the prince of the earth, the one whose mission is to kill, steal, and destroy. Worst still, my sitting room door was left open.

Like I said, I wanted to run the moment I saw these two combined forces, but I remembered what I read about fear, which is one great weapon the devil uses to paralyze his victim. I shook my head when I remembered the Bible verse that says God has not given me the spirit of fear.

“You’re an enemy to my kingdom,” he said authoritatively. “You not only cause damage but you’re depopulating my kingdom. You have wreaked havoc…” he shouted angrily.

He stood up abruptly and started approaching me, then stopped. He soon transformed. His face became a grotesque parody of a goat’s, with twisted, elongated features and two curved horns that appeared to be sharpened to deadly points. The skin was charred and blackened, as if it had been burned in the very fires of the underworld, and it emitted a noxious stench of sulfur that made my stomach turn. I moved backward immediately.

The eyes glowed with an eerie, otherworldly red light, like hot coals from the depths of the abyss. They seemed to bore into my very soul, as if searching for any hint of weakness or vulnerability.

I looked at his feet and wondered if he wasn’t in my sitting room anymore, for I didn’t see tiles on the floor anymore, except ordinary ground. The ground beneath his feet was scorched and blackened, as if the earth itself was repelled by his presence.

This very being seemed to defy the natural order, a monstrous affront to all that is good and pure. There was this oppressive weight that pressed down upon me, making it hard to breathe or think. I looked at this creature of unspeakable evil, from the very depths of the underworld, sent to wreak havoc and spread terror wherever he goes. His presence was a blasphemy, an affront to all that is holy and just.

“Oh, do I need introduction?” He asked with his eyes glowing red. “I am a formidable being! I am the prince of darkness, the ruler of the kingdom of the air. I am the tempter, the accuser, the deceiver. I am the one who opposes God and seeks to lead humanity astray.”

He transformed into a handsome man again. He looked so harmless. Admiring himself, he laughed.

“But, oh, how magnificent I am! My power and beauty are unparalleled. My intellect and cunning are unmatched. I am the master of lies and deception. My dominion is vast, and my influence is far-reaching.”

For a moment, he fixed his gaze on me, and the River goddess laughed so eerily.

“You dare to trifle with the powers of darkness, Obiama? Your prayers and preaching have been a thorn in my side, drawing away my loyal subjects and depopulating my kingdom. You think you can defy my will and go unpunished? He asked. “I, the great lord of the underworld, shall unleash my wrath upon you. My minions shall hunt you down, and my dark magic shall ensnare you. You shall beg for mercy, but it shall be too late. Your soul shall be mine, Obiama. And as for those you have taken, they shall be brought back to the fold, forced to bow to my dark majesty once more.

You have been warned, Obiama… the darkness is coming for you,” he said with wicked glints.

“You know nothing yet, mortal man,” the river goddess shrieked.

“So, tremble before me, mortal! Fear my wrath and tremble at the mention of my name! For I am the great dragon, the serpent, the devil, the prince of this world. And none can stand against my might.”

Laughing wickedly, they disappeared before my very eyes, and my door gave a loud bang.

“Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!” I exclaimed, my knees giving way. I let out a breath from my mouth. Was I dreaming or what? Should I pray or just sing praises to God? I was on the floor, undecided.

Suddenly, I heard loud and clear: “PRAISE ME, OBIAMA, PRAISE ME.” Then I stood up, remembering how Satan was disgraced and defeated.

I raised my hands and began to praise God.

“O Lord, my God, you are the mighty Victor, who defeated the serpent with a crushing blow. You cast down the accuser with a triumphant cry and shattered the chains of darkness that held us captive high.

Your power and authority left Satan in disgrace, a fallen creature with a defeated face. You exposed his lies and revealed his shame, and showed us the truth, that he’s but a name.

Your love and grace redeemed us from his snare and gave us new life with a hope beyond compare. You armed us with armor to stand against his schemes and gave us the sword of truth to silence his dreams.

I praise you, oh God, for your mighty victory, for defeating the enemy and setting us free. You are the Champion who fought the good fight and gave us the triumph. Your name is exalted, your glory is told, for you are the Conqueror who broke the chains of gold. You are the King of kings, the Lord of lords.

Your cross is the symbol of your victory and might, where you defeated the prince of darkness and brought us to the light.

You are the Lion of Judah who roars with a mighty voice, who tramples the enemy and makes us rejoice.

I praise and magnify you Lord, for your glorious name, for defeating the enemy and giving us the fame. You are the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, who reigns supreme and forever.

“Oh, mighty God, your greatness is beyond our understanding, your power beyond our frame. Your grace and mercy know no bounds, your faithfulness a rock that grounds. You are our refuge, our strength, our guide, in your presence we find our pride.

You are the creator of the universe, in majesty you traverse. Your love, a never-ending ocean. I praise you for all you are, for your blessings, your care, your love that goes far. You are our savior, our redeemer, our friend, in you our hope and trust never end.

May my praise be a sweet-smelling offering to you, as I exalt your name and…”

I was soaked in my praises that I didn’t realize I was moving about as I praised my love, who had fought battles for me. I was focused, I was connected. My heart was flooded with love for Him who had brought me out of the dungeon of death.

I didn’t even know that my kids were awake and prostrated before the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth. I was drunk with love for my Master who is all sufficient. I told Him how much I love Him, how much He meant to me.

It was after I finished that I noticed my kids were on the floor, prostrated.

Later, when we gathered in the bedroom, I narrated my experience to them.

“The battle is of the Lord,” I told them.

“And the Lord’s army is here too.” Alabo said.

“True! I see our testimonies. I see victory and miracles. I see breakthroughs and miracles. I see great things happening in this family. The devil is trying to truncate all these, but our God is a man of war. We need to be strong in prayer. We need to be strong, bold, and fearless. He said in Psalm 91 that surely He shall deliver us from the snare of the Fowler.”

“Hallelujah!” My wife said, waving her hand.
“Psalm 125:1-2 says, ‘Those who trust in the Lord shall be like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people, from this time forth and forevermore.’ She said.

“Amen! Just as Mount Zion is a solid and unshakeable mountain, those who trust in the Lord will be firmly established and unmovable.” I told everyone.

I told my family that our faith in God should be a rock-solid foundation that can weather any storm. Just as Mount Zion has stood the test of time, those who trust in the Lord will endure forever, unshaken by the challenges and uncertainties of life.

Well, I knew that as I was threatened by the devil, I needed to intensify my prayers for my parents and grandma, then Sarah. I had often spoken with them through the phone and was truly glad with the progress they had made. Sarah was enjoying the new accommodation provided by the church. Though she hadn’t gotten a job yet, the church was still standing firm for her.

In fact, Sarah told me, “Obiama, I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good.”

Isn’t that a beautiful testimony? You who are reading my story, what effort have you made to win souls for God? You can’t be a child of God and not have this desire, I mean a burning desire in your heart to win souls for Christ. When you think of the cruel and painful death of Christ on the cross, it’s enough to go all out for Him. Evangelize the word in your compound, streets, workplace, bus stops, and even in the bus. Don’t be ashamed to preach and spread the gospel of Christ.

I had returned from one of my interviews to meet Oroma in the sitting room, not reading or doing anything. She was just alone and wincing in pain. I noticed her tangled hair and the Bible beside her.

She greeted me as I went to sit beside her. I removed my shoe and asked how her day went. She didn’t respond immediately but kept wincing in pain before responding to my question.

Then she said, “I saw something today that filled me with great joy.”

“Really? Where?”

She winced in pain for some time before asking me to pick the Bible beside her, and I did.

“Open to Psalm 126:1-2,” she instructed.

I began to flip through the pages of the Bible.

“Please read it loud because I have been reading it.”

“Psalm 126:1-2 says, ‘When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them.’

“Read it again and again, Obiama. I see our testimonies so close.”

I began to read it again, and Oroma joined me. We repeated the verses over and over until it came alive in us.

My Oroma began to pray. I began to speak in tongues, and she started releasing powerful prayers. She was in charge as she cried to the God.

“Oh Lord, turn again our captivity and bring us out of darkness into Your marvelous light.

Fill our mouths with laughter and our tongues with singing, that we may declare Your goodness to all.

Let others see Your great works and declare Your goodness, that Your name may be glorified in all the earth.

My Father, restore us and bring us back to a place of abundance and joy, that we may know Your favor and grace.

Father, may our lives be a testimony to Your faithfulness and love, that others may come to know You through us.

Oh Lord, destroy every power that wants to stop our restoration, and let Your mighty hand bring us out of captivity.

Jesus, shatter every stronghold that wants to silence our laughter, and fill our mouths with joyful praise.

Crush every spirit that wants to hinder our healing, and let Your healing balm flow through our bodies and minds.

Father, demolish every obstacle that stands in the way of our breakthrough, and let Your grace and mercy carry us through.

Destroy every lie that wants to keep us in bondage, and let Your truth set us free to live for You.

Oh Lord, shatter every chain of fear and anxiety, consume every fiery dart of the enemy with Your shield of faith.

Lord, let Your mighty roar be heard in our lives, and let every power that wants to stop our restoration and my healing be silenced by Your authority.”

As we prayed, I knew the devil was in real trouble. His plans and schemes against us were being dismantled, and his grip on our lives was being loosened. We were taking back control, and our faith was being strengthened. The power of God was flowing through us, and we were becoming unstoppable. The devil knew he was in trouble, and he would stop at nothing to try and regain his hold on us. But we were ready for him, armed with the Word of God and the power of prayer. We would not be defeated.

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