The Daughter Of A Mistress episode 10

The Daughter Of A Mistress 👸
Written By Christabel Nwoko
Episode 10- Last Episode

Mr. Stephen was voiceless for a while and then he glared at his wife, Mrs. Felicia.
Eventually, he said to her ” He is Eric, Lewis’s son”
And Eric senior was stunned again
“How does he even know my father’s name, oh ok my family is very prominent,” He reckoned
“You are mr Lewis’s son?, wow,” Mrs. Felicia asked in amazement
Eric senior didn’t understand what exactly that was going on but he shook his head and replied, “Yes, Lewis Moore is my father”
He was patient, whatever it is must be revealed today. He had thought.

Suddenly, Mr. Stephen cleared his throat, he looked so unhealthy but he managed to say
“Eric…Your father, Lewis has been my friend since our childhood days, but after our college days, we became enemies and this happened right after we attended a friend’s birthday party together, At the Party, we met Felicia who is now My wife, yes at the time she was very young, beautiful and blunt” and Mrs. Felicia blushed as she listened to her husband describe her younger self.
With the look of things, she and her husband had patched things between them, but how? You might ask.

Mr. Stephen catches his breath and continued in smiles.
“That day it seemed as if Felicia cast a spell on both of us, I couldn’t get my eyes off her, I had no idea that your father was feeling the same way for her too but not until he told me how he felt about her”

Mr. Stephen’s smiles suddenly disappeared as he went to further to say
” Before me, Lewis declared his desire for her and his intention to marry her, I couldn’t let my friend marry her, because I was so into her too, so I played fast and approached her first, at first she seemed to like your father more, she always talked about him, but I convinced her that I was the best option for her, I even lied to her that Lewis was in a relationship at the time…Because she lived so close to my house, i always saw her often, when her mother, the only parent she had died, i was there for her and gradually we became close, i asked her out and she said she would think about it, when your father learned that she lived so close to me, he pleaded that I should ask Her out on his behalf and I nodded in acceptance, even though I have already asked her out for myself, I felt so bad for putting my best friend in the dark, we always told each other everything but this time, I couldn’t because we were so interested in the same girl, a few months later, Felicia had accepted to be my girlfriend, and I was so excited, we were so in love, and I was ready to open up to my best friend and to apologize for the lies and secrets but your father found out about everything before I had the chance to open up to him, he felt betrayed, he was so angry, he ended our friendship, he told me to my face that we were no longer friends, not too long after, he met your mom and they got married and had you, our friends were mad at me too, when they learned what i had done, so they always filled me in, on things that happened in Lewis’s life, that time! They had informed me about Lewis’s wedding, and they were shocked that I wasn’t attending, so I had to tell them everything, they couldn’t understand how a girl we just met at the time, would divide two best friends, because of that most of them dislike my wife, Lewis and I were from well to do families, we could live a good life with whoever we want, they still couldn’t understand how this girl from unpopular background could separate us… after some months, I married her secretly, and she became my wife, the reason why I married her in secret was that, when I told my father that I wanted to get married, he kicked against it, he said I was too young, so I decided to get married to her secretly”

Mr. Stephen then glared at his wife and said “Felicia, that was why I was so angry with my father” and then he turned his gaze back to Eric and continued
“My Wife is an orphan, so all we did was…. we just dressed up and went to the registry and registered our marriage, with only two witnesses, her cousin and my cousin, we begged them to keep the wedding a secret, another reason why I married her secretly, was to avoid taunting, as my other friends always taunt me, because of what happened between me and Lewis, so I couldn’t admit that I married the same girl that separated me and Lewis, then, I believed that they would taunt me and everyone including my father would also get to know that I got married secretly, so nobody knew about our marriage even when we had Cynthia, after a year, my father’s business wasn’t doing well, and he suggested I get married to his best friend’s daughter, Sonia, even though its intention was pure, it was his best friend’s idea, at first I kicked against it but later I decided to marry her, my father’s business had collapsed and when I married Sonia I gained a lot financially… But I lost my peace and the love I had for my Dear Felicia decreased, all because of greed, I took the advantage of our secret wedding and married Sonia. I was so greedy, I also wanted to be wealthier than my father, My Wife also permitted me to marry Sonia because I made her believe that my father would disown me if I say no…, hmmm Sonia died after some years…after she had Amber… Your Father and I reconciled some years after on Facebook, and he always posted pictures of you, your newborn son, and your late wife, that’s how I got to know you, even though, we never meet in person”.

Mr. Stephen revealed and Eric senior couldn’t believe his ears.
” so my father was once interested in Mrs. Felicia, that’s Cynthia’s mother, and things didn’t work out between them but now I am very interested in making Cynthia mine, wow! I always knew that there was more to my feelings for Cynthia, now I know why” He thought.

Everything became understandable to Eric senior but he didn’t utter a word concerning what Mr. Stephen had said, he was going to confirm everything from his father as well, so he went straight to the issue that brought him there, in the first place.
“Sir, I am your daughter’s Fiance, I mean Cynthia, your first daughter,” Eric said
And Mr. Stephen was stunned, he wondered how they met but he was excited within,
He knew this would bring his family and that of his friend, Lewis closer again.

“But I’m not here for the marriage rights yet, because my Cynthia is not in the right frame of mind to get married, she is not even in Nigeria, I flew her abroad for her peace of mind, your last daughter started a Scandal, Amber! she framed Cynthia up and there’s an uproar on social media because of this, and it’s affecting my Cynthia, she is an award-winning actress and she has done so well for herself, it’s not fair or right for Amber to destroy her hard work, I am here because Amber is her sister whether we like it or not, so I’m here to tell you to talk some senses into your daughter, I have always removed every obstacle on my Cynthia’s path, and if Amber wasn’t related to my Cynthia, I would have removed her as well please do something about this sir”

Mrs. Felicia was impressed as she listened to Eric senior.
She loved the spark in his eyes as he calls her daughter’s name, she could see love in his eyes and she was so excited within her.
“I couldn’t protect or defend my Cynthia but God had sent Someone to protect, defend and love my child,” Mrs. Felicia thought in smiles.
She was so lost in her happy thoughts when her husband’s voice brought her back to reality.

“To be honest, it’s all my fault, I always choose Amber over Cynthia and I have spoiled her so much, I have wronged everyone, my Father, my wife, and most especially my First daughter, Cynthia if she…..” Mr. Stephen said but before he would complete his speech, Amber walked right in, she heard everything, her father had said. And she was so angry.
“What about my late mother, she is the one you wronged the most, you married your mistress, immediately she died, it looked as if you and your mistress killed her,” Amber said at once

Eric senior didn’t need any introduction as he already knew who she was. Amber! He thought
He listened patiently as he watched his Fiance’s family drama.
“Your mother died in a plane crash, ask around…I know I also hurt your late mother, but I have tried to make up for it by loving you so much, and by loving you so much, I spoiled you and turned you into, a selfish insensible spoilt brat, who is not only out to destroy her elder sister’s life but also, her parents, it’s all my fault… I shouldn’t have picked you as my favorite” Mr. Stephen entered with a deeper meaning
“Did you just refer to your mistress, as one of my parents, God forbid, this woman is nothing to me” Amber entered In disdain

“Amber, when your mother died I didn’t only take you in, I also considered you to be my child, that’s why my biological daughter Is outside all by herself, while you are inside, being wicked, I can’t take this anymore, whoever that has been feeding you with lies, is only destroying you, I think it’s high time you know the truth, you are no longer a child, you have to hear this, all these years, your father has been preventing me from speaking out but not anymore, after I am done telling you the truth, I will then go to the press and clear my daughter’s image, its the lest I could do for her, she had suffered a lot but not anymore, even if she won’t forgive me, I will be happy a bit that at last, I was able to stand up for my daughter, I have placed everyone above her but it stops today” Mrs. Felicia entered in tears.

“You are just blabbing, what truth?” Amber asked at once.
“You are the daughter of a mistress, not my Cynthia, I was legally married to your father, and that single fact renders the wedding between your father and your late mother, invalid.. yes. It was a secret wedding but our marriage was registered, your father caused this confusion, a lot was eating him up, he concluded that he betrayed his friend for our love and he couldn’t forgive himself, soon we began to have problems, At the same time, his father who had no idea about our marriage, told him to marry your late mother, I have nothing against Sonia, but you little demon has pushed me to the wall, Amber, you are the Daughter Of A Mistress, not my child Cynthia” Mrs. Felicia revealed

And Amber almost had a heart attack. She couldn’t believe her ears.
“Dad, she is lying, right? She was the mistress, you only married her when my mom died” Amber asked in shock.
“It’s the truth, I was legally married to her before I married your mom, your mom had no idea that I was married, and when she died, I was so devastated, because I believed wronged her, I married her only for the wrong reason, so that’s why I have prepared my Will officially yesterday, you are the heir to everything your mother owned, Cynthia had made a name for herself and even though her name is in jeopardy, I know everything would be so good again for her, she owns everything I have, while you would have everything your late mother left behind, your mother owned the company that’s why I left you in charge but the cement factory is for Cynthia, The school is owned by my wife Felicia here, and only she would determine what to do with it” Mr. Stephen revealed as if he was preparing his household before his death.

And Amber burst into tears of regret, how would she reveal to her father that she was poisoning him, she couldn’t believe that the property she was fighting to have was already hers.
Finally, she confessed “Dad, I have been poisoning you, I had misunderstood the whole thing, please forgive me”
At the mention of the word “Poison”, everyone was shocked.
Including Eric senior.
How can a child poison her father that loved her so much?

At once, Eric senior called his bodyguards to take Mr. Stephen to his car and afterward he rushed him to the hospital alongside Mrs. Felicia who was frightened.
” Ever since my husband became sick that wicked daughter of his refused to take him to the hospital and when I insisted that I would take him to the hospital myself, she threaten me with a gun, now I know why, she wants her father dead, Eric you are our savior” Mrs. Felicia revealed in tears as she prayed that nothing bad should happen to her husband.
Even though they had a lot of troubles, She loves her husband so dearly.

Some days later, Mr. Stephen died at the hospital after he had apologized to Cynthia over the phone, and she had even forgiven him.
Lewis his best friend and Cynthia’s grandfather was also by his side when he died.
Cynthia’s grandfather was inconsolable as he held his son’s lifeless body. Mrs. Felicia was also devastated. Even though Mr. Stephen wasn’t a perfect husband, a good son, or a fantastic father, he didn’t deserve to die like that. Even though He wasn’t a good friend to Lewis, the man still wiped tears from his eyes as he stared at his best friend’s lifeless body

Cynthia was in tears when she learned that her father died, she boarded the next available flight back to Nigeria, Amber was also devastated, and she was so regretful that she decided to take her own life but right that same moment the police came and they stopped her from drinking a whole bottle of Poison, she was arrested immediately

Cynthia’s image was cleared and people respected her more when Eric Senior revealed that they were engaged. Some girls envied Cynthia and wished they were in her shoes.
Cynthia who still loved her little sister no matter what had happened between them hired a good lawyer to defend Amber’s case.
Amber couldn’t believe it when the lawyer told her that Cynthia her step-sister sent him for her defense.
Through the lawyer, Amber sent an apology letter to Cynthia but Cynthia didn’t reply.
After Mr. Stephen’s burial, after many appeals, Amber was sentenced to 39years in prison.
Some months later, Cynthia and Eric got married and soon enough they welcomed a bouncing baby girl, whom Cynthia named “Erica”
Little Eric was excited when he met his baby sister, for the first time at the hospital.

When Cynthia delivered her own child, she could relate to the pain her mother felt when she had her, so she decided to forgive Mrs. Felicia as well and bring her closer to herself.
The thought of having a girl child who he would adore almost brought Eric senior into tears, he hugged and kissed Cynthia in the hospital and reassured her of his eternal love.
“I know divorce is normal for the public figures in our society, but I will make you the sole owner of everything that I have, that if I ever thought of divorcing you, I will be left penniless, I love you so much my Cynthia and I don’t want to ever lose you,” He said in smiles.

Give, But don’t allow yourself to be used
Love, But don’t allow your heart to be abused
Trust, But don’t be naive
Listen, But don’t lose your voice

You can be anything you want, but please be a good person!

The End

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