My wife, Angela
Episode 9
✍️✍️ Onos Divinemercy Elekwa
After dinner, Anthony and his in-laws sat in the living room discussing to while away time before their prayer time, so as not to doze off.
Exactly 12am they held hands and started praying, the man of God kept to his words of joining them in prayers and on the last day he connected with them through phone call and they prayed in one accord, they concluded their prayer around 3am and went to bed
It wasn’t so long that Anthony slept off when he had a dream, in his dream he saw an extremely angry woman as he was walking on the road he greeted her but she didn’t answer, so he continue going his way when the woman stopped him
You, why are you so stubborn, why are you frustrating all my efforts
I’m sorry ma but I don’t know you, how then did I frustrate your efforts
Leave Angela alone, what is your problem, after everything I have done to separate you both, you refuse to leave her, are you cu*rsed?
Angela is my prey leave her for me, else you will continue to suffer and be wretched for d rest of your life
You lie, woman, Angela is my wife, the bone of my bone, I promised to be with her in the alter of God, for better for worse, if you like manipulate her against me, my God will set her free soonest, he challenged her
As Anthony turned to leave, the woman raise up a little object that look like a staff, and struk Anthony with it, but unfortunately it reverse back to her she screamed so loud and Anthony woke up, he prayer afterward for God to perfect his victory
As early as 5pm, Angela’s father phone ringtone woke him up he saw that he had several missed calls in his phone, he checked and saw it was his elder brother that was called, so he called back
Darlington you need to come to the village oo, our mother’s sister had been screaming for almost an hour now, she is saying she want to confess that you should be called, she was screaming Angela’s name as well
Really, God is great
Why did you say that, didn’t you hear what I say, ur mother’s sister is screaming in pains and you are saying God is great, his brother queried
I will be on my way soon, he ended the call and woke his wife and Anthony as they were the only one at home as his son were outside in another man’s country, he lead the morning devotion before telling them about the call he receive, he ask his wife to prepare a quick breakfast, so they could all eat before going, Anthony you are coming with us too, he said
Sure, he replied
After about 3 hours drive, they got to the village and saw crowd gathered in the family compound, it’s wasn’t as minor as his brother sounded, the woman was rolling on the ground and screaming her lung out, her loud cry was what made people gathered and ofcourse the ones that like gossip stayed to see the end
Immediately she saw Darlington and his family, it was as if her pains increase because she shouted more and more
I will confess she screamed again
I’m here now start talking Darlington said standing a bit far from her
I’m sorry oo, I’m sorry oo she begin
Sorry about what na… someone from the crowd shouted out of impatient
It was about five years ago that I started nursing bitterness against nephew’s daughter ooo, they came for Christmas and I asked her to help me bring firewoods I bought from the main road and she told me she couldn’t, that she would call her brother to help me, but I objected, I saw it as disrespect for her to refuse to run her errand for me and even had to suggest another person as If I didn’t see him before I begged her to, but she bluntly refuse that she doesn’t have such strength, so I told her I didn’t blame her that if not for my childless, she wouldn’t have treated you that way, I told if I had children even they would have help me and I wouldn’t have called her, then she replied me saying she isn’t the one that told me to be childless, that single statement pained me to the bone marrow and have since then plan to deal with her, my initial plan for her was not to get married the way no one married me, but she met a good man who broke that yoke, and I planned another strategy after the first plan failed I did all these spiritually with the help of a native doctor I paid, but still I failed I’m responsible for everything that happened,
she said everything she did one after the other while wailing in pain, she also spoke about meeting Anthony in the dream this morning and attempt to kill him but it backfire, the staff she struck him with is made of a poisonous substance that when one is struck with it, it itches, bites and burn the person’s skin like fire there after the person die, she finished her confe-ssion and wail for about another hour before she finally passed away, Darlington recorded the confe-ssion and after the confe-ssion they went home.
They drove to the pastor residence and update him on all that happened and they gave God thanks
The scale that blinded Angela sense of reasoning had fall off, the pastor announced and they rejoiced
You are a strong man, the pastor commended Anthony, go home to your wife and reunite, when you are finally settled come along with her for counseling, you both need God,
Thank you sir, Anthony greeted and went home
At home, when Angela woke up she realises all she did and regretted, she went outside and brought her husband’s belongings back inside , what actually came over me, immediately Anthony entered the home, she knelt and pleaded for mercy, he lifted her up and wipe her tears, I never held any thing against you, you are my wife, he said and her parent who came along too came inside
Ahhh mum, dad I didn’t know you came
Yes we did her mum replied
I’m sorry for everything I have done she apologized
It’s fine, her dad said and show her the recording, and she cried, I never meant those words, there were mere words and my husband had to suffer for it
It’s fine, Anthony consoled her
thanks for being the best husband, I would never take you for granted again, she promised
They went for the counseling, and gave their lives to God properly and took their prayer life seriously, Angela helped her husband bounce back and they were happy again, they didn’t forget to contribute to humanity, helping as much they could
The end……
if nah me, i no for fit endore ooo
well good moral lesson learnt……,…