Lonely Wives episode 13


Episode 13 (FINAL)

Amarachi’s POV

I was waiting four streets away from the street Winifred lived and my radio was playing Maroon 5’s Girl Like You. I was singing along when I heard the other door open and Steve slipped in next to me. I turned down the volume of the music and turned to smile at him. “Sharp guy!”

“Mama!” He hailed me.

“How far na?”

“I’ve done what you guys asked me to do, so now I need my balance.”

“I have it right here.” I patted my handbag that was in between us. “But first, tell me how you managed to pull this off.” I asked him.

“Well it was not easy at first because she’s the indoor type and I tried to get her attention as best as I could. It was a very slow process that I almost gave up, believing that she was not into me.”

“But how did you managed to use the charm?”

“I just had a lucky break that she left her clothes out overnight. I poured the charm on her panties then took her laundry to her the next morning.” He explained

“But the an@l s*x thing was not part of our deal, where did that come from?” I asked.

“It was just to get rid of her. I knew that she would refuse and I was already getting tired of her demanding sexu@l appetite. Whatever that was in that charm turned her into a dog.”

I smiled in satisfaction. “That’s the exact result, Patricia and I want, a dog!” I said.

Steve gave me a puzzled look now then asked, “If you don’t mind my asking, I thought you three were very good friends?”

“Yes, why?” I asked.

“Then why are you two trying to destroy her.”

“Dude, leave the matter alone, it’s a long story and besides, you won’t understand but there’s one more thing we would want you to help us do in order to finalize this deal.”

“What?” He asked and I beckoned him to come closer then I whispered it to him.

“What! Mama, that one is a big demand o.” He complained. “If you want me to go that far, you’ll have to add three hundred thousand naira to my pay.”

“Haba, why are you this greedy? As if you won’t enjoy it. Can’t you take two hundred?”

He reluctantly contemplated for a while then finally said, no problem. When do you want it done?”

“This month’s end. Her husband should be coming into the country on Sunday evening and we have to make sure that we give him a copy of the disk.” I explained.

“No problem
 As long as he won’t come seeking my arrest.” He said.

“You don’t have to worry about it. With the kind of money you have made from this deal, you can go hide in Ghana until everything blows over.” I suggested. He nodded in agreement and I pulled out a brown envelope from my handbag and handed it to him. “When you are ready to carry out the second one, just give me a call and Patricia and I will be there in person to record it all.”

” He checked the content of the envelope and smiled.

“Won’t you count it?” I asked.

He scoffed. “I trust you.”

“Good, so we want you to move out of that apartment latest that same day after the final deal takes place and we will handle the rest from there.” I said as I turned the key in the ignition and started the car.

“Okay.” He nodded, opened the door and got down then slipped the envelope into one of his back pockets of his jeans. As he walked away, I turned up the music again but it was Ed Sheeran’s “Give Me Love” that was playing now. Please with how everything was falling into place just as we had planned, I drove away.

Winifred’s POV

Two days later I realized that Steve had moved out of the apartment without as much as a goodbye to me. I was so hurt that I cried. This was a man who had redefined my sexu@l life and everything we had shared had meant nothing to him. I got over it in days but I was not normal. I was so sexu@lly starved that I was almost tempted to lure Usman, the gateman into my apartment but I refrained from such because he talked too much and might probably just tell the whole estate.

I had no idea why I was acting this way but I blamed it all on Steve for leaving me high and dry. I soon began to m********e but it was nothing compared to having a real man dig you good. As the days slowly went by I began to realized that I was ruining my life because of my hormones. I took the framed picture of my husband and I on our wedding day and realizing how much I had betrayed this man, I broke down. Slowly, I got on my knees and for the first time in months, I prayed and asked God for forgiveness as I cried. I knew it was too late but I was tired of letting my body control me, and much to my relief after the prayer, I felt that wanton part of me die and as the day progressed, I realized that I wasn’t thinking of sexx anymore and that I could now focus on more important things.

As the days passed, I no longer had the urge for sexx and I was surprised and happy. I felt so relaxed and I was at peace with myself once again. All of a sudden, I noticed that it was Steve who was trying to get my attention now as if the devil had sent him to test my faith and resolution to stop cheating on my husband. He would try to talk to me or unnecessarily come by to ask how I was doing and if I needed any company. He stated that he observed that I must be lonely and he was sorry for how he had broken us off but I politely declined his offer and dismissed him. He continued to bring in different girls almost every night and frustrated my sleep and I began to suspect that it was deliberate. Whenever I was sitting out in my balcony, he would come out shirtless and sit on a spot across from me so I could see him while he pretended to get busy with his phone and on several occasions, I realized that he was actually watching a porn clip and would increase the volume so that I heard.

I would see his erecti0n grow in his shorts, twitching and calling my attention and when I couldn’t take it anymore, I would simply get up and go into my apartment. He would remain there for a while then go out to bring some random girl to spend the night with. I had made up my mind to tame my hormones and there was nothing in this life that would make me fall for him again because on the other hand, I was beginning to feel some remorse over cheating on my husband.

Simply because majority were doing it didn’t mean that I should continue with the crowd that I had unfortunately already joined but now it was time to pull out. I decided that I wouldn’t stoop so low anymore to bring such shame on myself and my family. It was better I stopped now that it was still early and besides, my husband was due to come back in just two weeks’ time, so why should I allow myself to be lured back into sin.

Steve grew desperate soon and continued at all cost to try to get my attention by unnecessarily coming to borrow things or return them very late in the night, and in as much as he wanted me to invite him into my apartment or try to tempt me by saying his usual words to me, I never fell for it. I knew I couldn’t take back the rubbish I had done by flirting and sleeping with him but I wasn’t ready to worsen my situation and jeopardize my marriage even more. I didn’t know how I would confess to my husband but I decided that I would simply beg him to let us relocate to another state.

Two weeks later, in the evening, I was sleeping in my room when I felt someone get on my bed. Opening my eyes, I saw Steve getting into my bed, n@ked except in his boxers. I was shocked and Immediately scrambled to my feet on the other side of the bed.

“How the hell did you get into my room?!” I asked, my heart beating fast.

“I helped myself in.” He stated. “I waited if you’d come out but when you didn’t, I decided to come and see if you were fine.”

“What do you want?!” I demanded. “Is this how you barge into people’s apartments without their consents?!”

He only smiled and said, “Relax, I won’t bite.” For the first time in weeks, I saw him in a new horrible way that I had never seen him before. He had this sinister smile on his face and it scared me. I no longer found him attractive and I couldn’t believe that I had actually let this scumbag treat me like a w***e.

“Get out!” I pointed to the door. “Get out now!” I ordered.

“In as much as you’ll like to deny it, I know you miss us. Just be a good girl and give it to me the way I like it.” He leered

“I’d rather die than let you touch me again! Whatever we once had between us is over and will never happen again, so get out now!” I hissed and I saw his eyes darken with anger then suddenly, he lunged for me and before I could dash out the door, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled and we tumbled back and fell on the bed. Immediately, he straddled me and tried to pin my hands on the bed above my head. I fought, struggled and screamed but no matter how hard I scratched, he just wouldn’t let go.

“Do you think I’m an idiot?!” He stated. “You can’t just start something and not finish it! I want that a*s and I’m going to get it!” He hissed.

“I’m married!” I yelled.

“You should have thought of that before coming to seduce me and letting me bang the hell out of you like the w***e you are!” I spat on his face and in anger, he slapped me hard on the face.

I screamed but that didn’t stop him from trying to get what he had come for. I was stunned by the slap and I couldn’t believe that all these was actually going on and no one would come to my rescue and prevent Steve from r@ping me. I turned my head and bit his forearm but he only grimaced in pain and suddenly caught my throat and gave it a hard squeeze till I was coughing and couldn’t breathe freely.

Just then, I heard the sitting room door open and Amarachi’s voice called my name. I was almost glad that finally help had come and thinking that Steve would jump off me at the sound of my friend’s voice, he continued trying to get his way. Soon Amarachi and Patricia appeared in the room and I screamed at them to help me but I was shocked when Patricia said, “I can’t believe that he hasn’t started yet! She’s still struggling?” She sounded surprised and annoyed.

“Steve, couldn’t you have just seduce her instead of this nonsense? Is this what we have been paying you for?!” Patricia sounded angry and when I glanced at them, I realised that Amarachi had a video camera and was recording everything that was going on.

“Are you not a man?!” Patricia taunted. “Knock her out! Spread her legs and dig this thing so that we can get out of here, I have got more important things to do!”

That was when I finally realized that my friends had set me up and Steve was no Corp member like I had thought. It was only a disguise and my friend had planted him in the next apartment to lure me into defiling my marriage like they had done theirs. They were recording everything so that they could blackmail me whenever they wanted and perhaps ruin my life.

“Miss Virgin
” Amarachi hissed. “You thought that you were better than us, right? We are the ones that do not know how to control how we open our legs, uh?!”

“Don’t mind the idiot! Always full of herself and yet she is no different from us!” Patricia said venomous. “You think your marriage will be better than ours, all because you got married to your husband, a virgin? Let’s see how that works out for you after we send this video to your husband in Canada. Steve, you are wasting time! If you need rope to tie her down, I have some in my booth!” Then she said to Amarachi, “Amarachi, I thought you said this guy was a professional, what is all this nonsense?!”

“Yes, he came highly recommended. Let’s just exercise a little patience, at least he has torn her blouse, so zoom in on that part. If he could seduce and screw her the first time, we should believe that he will do better this time.” Amarachi answered.

“Zoom on what?! After all the money we spent on him to frustrate and tempt her by sleeping with several girls and even planting a charm in her undies, he can’t even lure her into his bed a second time, instead he resorted to rape! He could have just simply drugged her and save himself and us the stress.” Patricia said in distaste.

“Steve! Open those legs na!” Amarachi instructed. “Don’t let her kick you in your tender spot o! Grab her legs, my friend! Should I come and assist you?!”

I was shocked at their words. I was getting tired of struggling but I wasn’t ready to give these so-called friends of mine the satisfaction they wanted. I had no idea why they would betray me this way and I knew that even though I got through this and reported to the police after this incident, the case would just vanished because Amarachi and Patricia would simply buy their way out.

“Since that incident of you dating David and even having the guts to marry him despite the fact that you knew that I liked him first, I have never forgiven you, Winifred!” Patricia stated. “If you hadn’t brought your holy-holy self into the room that night while we were about to go down and started disturbing us with prayers, he wouldn’t have noticed you not to talk of even liking you. After denying me of my own man, you think you can be happy in a marriage with what was supposed to be mine, uh? Let’s see about that!”
“Are you the only one?” Amarachi stated. “Chief wouldn’t just stop talking about her. You have no idea just how the sound of her name irritates me! It’s Winifred this, Winifred that! He compares me to her every time and I hate it! He will never let me hear the end of how she’s not the demanding type, how she’s so beautiful without makeup, how she respects people, how she is always contented with her life. Honestly, if not for the fear of going to jail, I would have poisoned that foolish man a long time ago and doused acid on this I- too-know here!”

Steve was sweating. We were both sweating and his grip on me was beginning to get slippery. Luckily, I had a break and freed my arms then I suddenly pressed his eyes hard with my thumbs. He screamed in pain and when his hold slacked a little, I jammed my knee into his cr0tch and he yelped and rolled off me, grabbing his aching gonads and whimpering in severe pain. I sprang to my feet and just when I faced the women like a mad woman, they dashed out of my room to the sitting room and I followed but just then, I heard my name,

“Winny? Winny?” Someone was shaking my shoulder.

When I opened my eyes, I realized that it was my husband. Slowly I propped on my elbows and muttered, “What?”

“I’m going to work.” He said as he knotted his tie in front of the mirror. Realizing that I had just had a nightmare, I took a deep sigh and collapsed on the bed again in great relief that my dream wasn’t real after all.

I didn’t think much of the dream until I joined Patricia in the car later in the day because we were supposed to go to a wedding. We began to chitchat at the back when the driver chipped in a remark as he drove and Patricia simply laughed and said, “You are such a naughty boy, Sani.”

Right there, I told the driver to stop the car. Patricia was surprised and asked if something was wrong and all I could say was, “I’m not feeling too well, I just want to go back home. You and Amarachi can go to the wedding without me, goodnight.”

I got down, hailed a cab and went home and that was the last time I ever spoke to them again. Two months later, my husband was transferred to Canada and when he told me that the company had also made preparations for me to go with him, I was so excited that he was baffled at my reaction. I was glad that I had had that dream and I had avoided being a victim of my callous friends and their blackmail.

Note: Most women whose husbands are unable to give them the attention and care they need, end up indulging in extra-marital affairs. They buy the attention of younger men with the money provided by their husbands and most of these men are pressured into meeting their sexual needs by neglecting their girlfriends, fiancees and wives in order to please these lonely wives. Beware of friends who will push you into horrible situations all because they are also doing it. Most times, they don’t mean well at all for you and are only trying to destroy the happiness you have that they lack. Maximum appreciation and credit to the author. Thank you! 😊 THE END 😊

Jeremiah Jande

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