Stuck in-between
Stuck in-between Episode 7
*EPISODE 7* (FINAL EPISODE) (STUCK IN BETWEEN) Susan took Stanley to her parents and he broke the news to them. The news broke their hearts so much but at the end, they had no choice but to accept the current situation. Stanley promised to take good care of Susan till she delivered her baby. And […]
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*EPISODE 6* (STUCK IN BETWEEN) When Stanley saw Susan being rushed to the hospital, he worriedly took over and quickly ran a general test on her to discover the cause of her illness or whatever it was that made her collapsed in broad day light. But the results left him dumbfounded. He was totally confused […]
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*EPISODE 5* (STUCK IN BETWEEN) A month later, towards Susan’s third year second semester examination period, she started feeling dizzy and sick. She explained her predicaments to Stanley who described her condition as signs and symptoms of early stage of pregnancy. Susan doubted him at first. But after she secretly ran a general test, the […]
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*EPISODE 4* (STUCK IN BETWEEN) Gabriel was laying down on the hotel’s bed when he heard a knock at the door. He stood up, walked to the door and pulled it open only to find Susan standing before him. Seeing her, he couldn’t help but give her a smile of satisfaction. “I know you would […]
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*EPISODE 3* (STUCK IN BETWEEN) Weeks passed and Susan was yet to receive any call or text from Gabriel. She tried to move on but she constantly found herself stalking him on social media. Checking his last seen on WhatsApp and his recent posts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. It broke her heart that Gabriel […]
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*EPISODE 2* (STUCK IN BETWEEN) Lilian age 24, was a year older than Susan who was 23. She was a well disciplined and principled lady. They both became roommates on Susan’s first day in school. Susan parents found it wise to let Susan stay with Lilian since she was more experienced and older than their […]
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Stuck in-between (complete story
*EPISODE 1* (STUCK IN BETWEEN) At exactly 5am, Lilian reluctantly woke up to the annoying sound of her alarm clock which she angrily turned off. Yawning helplessly, she stretched her arms and sat upright. “Honestly, I’m so tired of all these 7am classes I swear. Mtcheeew…. somebody will not get enough sleep because of all […]
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