eight things every pregnant woman should know to avoid a traumatic delivery, by veteran health editor EVE SIMMONS
As a health editor, Eve Simmons interviewed scores of mothers about their traumatic birth stories over the years Reality TV star Louise Thompson, who has spoken about her own traumatic childbirth experience. Pictured with her son Leo Here are eight things every pregnant woman should know to avoid a traumatic delivery, by veteran health editor […]
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The Bre@st Cancer Risk Assessment Tool (BCRAT), that can flag cancer in few minutes explained
With rates of cancer soaring among young people, oncologists are pleading with people to stay on top of their risk using simple tests that can be done at home. FIND DETAILS OF HOW TO DO THE TEST BELOW Rates of bre@st cancer in under 50 year-olds have ticked up over the past two decades. A […]
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What is hypertrichosis?
Hypertrichosis is the term used for the growth of hair on any part of the body in excess of the amount usually present in persons of the same age, race, and s*x. It is a very rare condition which patients are either born with or develop later in life. It excludes excessive hair caused by […]
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Why Sucking in your stomach to look thinner in photos and tight clothes is dangerous to your health and organs
Why is it bad to s**k in your stomach? Your abdomen plays a key role in how you stay balanced when you move around, and gripping your stomach muscles means all your energy is going to one area, causing an inequality. ‘While many people will do it without thinking, it’s almost a reflex, there are […]
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List Of people who have died from drinking excess water (hyponatraemia)
Also known as water intoxication, hyponatraemia develops as a result of there being too much water in the body Hyponatremia means the sodium level in blood — which your body needs for fluid balance — is abnormally low. An imbalance causes cells in the body to swell, including ones in the brain. Leah Betts Leah […]
Read MoreHow CAN you die from drinking too much water?
Drinking too much water can cause the level of sodium in the blood to fall abnormally low. Sodium is vital for regulating the amount of water in the body and controlling blood pressure, nerves and muscles. Too little of the electrolyte, medically known as hyponatraemia, causes a build-up of water in and around the body’s cells. […]
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Tips For Selecting & Maintaining Quality Wigs
Let’s have a chat about wigs, folks! Wigs have been in use since the time of Cleopatra and different cultures and people have embraced them for various reasons. Whether you choose to wear wigs occasionally or regularly, it’s essential to do it correctly to enjoy your wig life. As someone who loves wigs and has […]
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Before and after images of a morbidly obese man’s dramatic weight loss have divided the internet.
Cole Prochaska, from South Carolina, lost more than 336 pounds in less than two years — but despite accomplishing the major achievement, he is still body conscious. That is because the dramatic weight loss has come with an unwanted side effect – he has now been left with huge amounts of loose skin. Prochaska shared his results on […]
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Harmful Effects of Junk Food and 3 Best Natural Detoxification Supplements
Junk Food is very harmful that is slowly eating away the health of the present generation. The term itself denotes how dangerous it is for our bodies. Most importantly, it tastes so good that people consume it on a daily basis. However, not much awareness is spread about the harmful effects of junk food. The […]
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Why It’s Better Not To Rinse Mouth After Brushing
Washing out your mouth after brushing your teeth may feel like a necessary step in maintaining good oral hygiene, but it can actually do further damage than good. Here are a many reasons why you should avoid washing out your mouth after brushing 1. Reduced effectiveness of toothpaste Toothpaste contains active elements similar as fluoride […]
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Why using Female hair straightening creams can increase the risk of womb (Uterin) cancer,
Chemical hair straightening products may double the risk of womb cancer, an official study suggests. Research carried out by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) looked at 33,000 American women for more than a decade. The rate of uterine cancer was 4.05 per cent in women who said they used chemical straighteners more than four […]
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How To slowly quit smoking?
So, how DO you quit smoking? quitting smoking is not easy. Smoking remains the single biggest cause of preventable illness and death , but people are five times more likely to quit for good if they can make it to at least 28 days smoke free. Dr Pemberton, who previously worked with addicts, knows how to […]
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What REALLY happens to your body when you quit smoking?
Smoking permanently damages your lungs, drastically raises your risk of cancer and can cost you thousands of pounds over the course of your life. But regardless of the obvious downsides, millions of us still smoke. Although rates have plunged over the past few decades, experts are desperate to convince even more people to give up […]
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This is why Eating Chocolates can reduce menstrual pains
Turkish experts believe endorphins released by the body after eating chocolate and listening to music help reduce the pain and act as a natural sedative. It is already the go-to remedy for millions of women battling agonising periods. About 70 per cent of women suffer period pain at some point in their lives. […]
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