Behind the smile episode 16

Episode 16

The room was a bit dark, not well ventilated.
She Saw the switch and turned the room light on.
It was very spacious with colorful wall painting.
She was looking around wondering what’s exactly Geni wanted her to see

She saw pictures pasted on the walls. Dorcas looked around the room with no clue of what exactly Geni wanted her to see.
Is Geni upto something? Dorcas wondered within her
“Everything I see here is far from the truth that I seek. Nothing is here to see except if Geni is hiding something.
I’m invading Bianca’s privacy while Geni is out there doing what I don’t understand. She is probably upto something… with the way she was looking all uncomfortable and unstable with my presence she is definitely hiding something and I will find out. She appears like a culprit…”

Dorcas said and took another look around the room before stepping out.

She went outside calling out to Geni.
Geni heard her name and rushed into the gate
“That was quick ma’am. hope you found what you came for. Bianca will be getting close by now and I’m happy it didn’t take long like expected…”

“What exactly do you think I’m searching for..? How do you even know what I came for? Right from the moment I stepped in I noticed you weren’t comfortable with my presence. You asked me to invade Bianca’s privacy for what reason exactly? while you ran to chill out here. Do I look stuppid in your eyes? You’re obviously upto something and trying everything possible to cover up. Bianca probably doesn’t know the kind of bad friend that she is accommodating. Bianca is not safe with you around. I’m here to see Bianca and you can’t possibly deceive me this time…”

Geni’s mouth was open as she stared at Dorcas speechless.

“Madam…I… Bian…uhmm you know what, follow me quick. Let’s go back to Bianca’s room. Please we need to hurry up…”

Dorcas refused going anywhere and insisted on waiting for Bianca so that she can discuss with her why she came and also to warn her about Geni.

“… ma’am you need to trust me. I’m only looking out for you and I will never deliberately hurt you. i want you to know the truth. I believe that’s why you’re here.? And the reason I asked you to go into Bianca’s room was for you to see the truth for yourself because you may not believe me if i tell you. We really need to hurry ma… Bianca is not to be toiled with. If she…

“Hold it there Geni or whatever your name is… there is absolutely no reason to trust you.” Dorcas interrupted.

“…. I know Bianca and all I see is a smiley pretty kind lady and you are obviously jealous of her. There was a day Bianca came to my office and happened to get this call from you I guess, you locked her out of her own house and I was the person that gave her money to lodge in a hotel. She wasn’t even mad at you, rather ready to stay in the hotel untill the next day. People like you take advantage of others generosity and that’s exactly what you are doing bu…”

Geni became speechless again. She needs to do something quick before Bianca returns
“Uhmmm, you’re right ma’am. You obviously don’t like me and I deserve it but I’m not a bad person. I might have done things I’m not proud of but I never meant to hurt you or anyone. Please, I’m begging you follow me inside I promise to show you enough evidence. Bianca may not be what she appears to be… please”

Dorcas, after much hesitation she reluctantly agreed to follow her houbackpack inside.

Geni dashed into Bianca’s room hurriedly.
She went straight to the walls where Benny’s pictures where pasted all over and showed Dorcas.

“Yes, i know that’s my husband pictures but is not concrete evidence my dear Geni. You better have something more criminating aside this pictures. My husband have alot of fans, Bianca happens to be one of them and she did not hide that fact. Is obvious that she idolize him and I know for sure you are a fan to one or two celebrities. Is either you have their movies, music, pictures or whatever they’re popular at. all I see here is a big fan of my husband and that’s not against any law…”

Geni draw her attention to some of the things written and pasted around the room, the back of some of the pictures and papers and even on her mirror stand. Benny’s pictures were everywhere in the room.
on her laptop, beside, bathroom doors, wardrobe and other places.

Alot of things were also written on the back of the pictures and papers “I love you. you’re my everyday prince charming. father to my unborn kids. my god, the only one I worship. Your body is mine and mine is yours. if I have to killl the whole world to have you so be it. Your witcchy barren wife does not stand a chance. If “dullcast” pose as thrreat she becomes a history, I will end her mis3erable life once. No one can stop me from having you..”

And so many other scary things written either on the paper or on Benny’s picture.

Bianca even went as far as attaching her picture to Benny’s own making it appear like they took the picture together.

Geni kept pointing at the rigorous, scary words written by Bianca but Dorcas was focusing on a particular picture of Benny hanging on the wall.
She was not paying attention to Geni.
She didn’t look at any of those Biancas written words that Geni was pointing at.

She was rather looking at a particular picture of her husband hanging on another side of the wall.

“I haven’t seen this picture before but my husband really looks good here. I got him this shirt, I bought three of it with no special occasion, I just love it when he dresses well. after everything I did, I can’t believe Benny will hurt me…to the point of cheating. Is really sad and I’m going to find out the truth in all of this…if possible see the lady that he is having an affair with. I would like to know what makes her special and why my husband will ever stoop so low to punch my heart out of me…”

Geni stood staring at her unbelievably
She picked some of the pictures that has strange written words and began to show Dorcas but she waved it off without paying attention.

“… I don’t understand why you are acting weird Geni. I told you that I haven’t seen anything that looks criminating here. What if this is a case of hatre3d. You wrote this things just to paint innocent Bianca bad. I don’t trust or believe anything you say. I’m a lawyer in case you don’t know and my law instinct told me that you’re of no good…”

Geni shakes her sadly.
She suddenly rushed out and few minutes later retuned back with a book in hand.

“Please check my handwriting in this book, is totally different from Bianca’s own. I agree that you don’t like me… but can you please read some of this things first. Prof Benny is not having an affair. He is a good man who loves you and is due to the level of his undying love for you that makes the person behind all this trouble to start going the extra mile and is no other than Bianca. I’m not lying and this is no case of hatred. You’re a lawyer ma’am, please use your high level of intelligence and ascertain all that I’m saying. Stop trusting your instincts this time because is wrong. I don’t want Bianca to meet us here…”

“… Bianca is dangerous. Don’t be carried away by her pretty smiling face. If she can k¡ll her own father and act as if is nothing then she can do anything. I try to dance to her every tone and that’s why I’m still here…”

Dorcas shút her up
“Keep quiet Geni. You are going to shoott yourself in the leg if you continue to talk trash and accuse Bianca. Bianca told me that her father had an accident and d¡ed. She loves her Dad and life has never been the same for her ever since his passing. And it all started with Jessica, the lady his Dad was having an affair with who happens to be a domestic staff in their house. As you can see I know almost all the details about Bianca and I’m only telling you this to correct your dirty fake narratives about Bian…caaa…”

Something caught her attention, she suddenly moved close to it and saw it was her picture. De3ath threats was written on it. The person even knew about her pregnancy and when she lost it.
Dorcas eyes opened wide in shock as she started paying attention to details that Geni has been trying to show her

There was a crack noise like a door opening followed by a soft foot sound.
Geni took a peep but didn’t see anyone

Dorcas was more focused now as she kept going through the writing and pictures
Geni was telling her to leave.

“Is too late ma’am and you have to get out of here. You need to leave now… please. You can’t be here. Bianca may…”

Just then a voice startled them from behind.
As they turned, there she stood like the dëvïl in a red dress.
Her eyes were scary and her appearance sent goosebumps all over Dorcas.
A chill wind blew around Geni.

“What are you two doing in my room?

She asked while still standing and blocking the exit door.
Everywhere fell silent.
Only the sound of their speedy breathing was heard in the quiet and de3adly room.

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