Osuwake episode 6


Episode 6

My sister stormed their house and confronted her. They were age mates! She fired the first shot. She welcomed her with a slap and that was all she needed to clear some doubts.

They fought but my sister gave her the beatings of her life. You can imagine how the beatings would look like? Face-to-face with a sworn enemy. She showed no mercy and people stayed clear.

On a day and moment like this, you already knew who will turn up and make things worse. It was my dad! He showed up and took sides. He sided his wife and chided my sister for lacking respect for his wife! Yes he did!

He started his own show. He was beating my sister as if they were same gender, still his daughter anyways. He was retaliating, a good husband though. Even after the beatings she received from our dad, they still went ahead and called the police. She was from a prominent family and maybe she was royalty. We heard so!

The police came and ferried my sister to the police station. They persuaded her to sign an undertaken. To take responsibility should incase anything happens to a woman who has caused her mum so much pain and sorrow.

This was one of the main reasons my mum became more serious with the court case in order to save my sister from any impending blame.


You can never predict the events of life but we have already accepted to it the way it comes in good faith. It had happend earlier that an insect was dwelling inside my mum’s wounds – the wound in her eyes. It was stitched and so, we didn’t know. It was when my mum’s face began swelling and we took her to the hospital, it was discovered after the stitch was removed.

An insect was living inside her wound! This wasn’t dream but reality! It was treated. But People had said and believed that someone was responsible for it but who knows? Nobody!
maybe people and their superstitious beliefs.

It was in the same year that all this events greeted us. What a terrible year!
The court case slowed down and my dad beacame friendlier with us. I and my younger brother usually visits him always. We helped him to fix somethings. Along the line, my step mum hatched a plan and set us up. She took his money from where he normaly keeps it. They had a fight before we visited.

As we visited, we helped our dad massage his body. His wife wasn’t around. She came in and left afterwards. He gave us some money to buy some things and we ran the errand for him successfully.

The next day, we visited our dad locked us up and alleged we stole his money. He threatened to beat us to death and even called the police. In the meantime i, overheard the wife talking to someone over the phone..

“i’m from a royal family, whatever he thinks he was or whoever he thinks he has, he should bring out the person. I will show him that he will never treat me like a nobody” she was just blabbing over the phone.

The police came in their usual manner and took us to the police station. I and my younger brother were locked up somewhere. Even our elder brother who was not in the house then was equally locked up. My step mum was busy ranting up and down, that my dad won’t ask his children, who steals from him the whereabouts of his money but apportions blame on her instead.

the police officers started interrogating us: they started from our step mum before it got to us. I explained everything on behalf of myself, younger brother and our elder brother. Our elder brother did not receive proper formal education and so, he can’t make a good or average outing in English language.

one of the police officers, a lady happens to be my step mum’s aunt. So, when she saw her approaching, she started crying..

“aunty! See what this children are doing to me ooh. They want to spoil my home”.

“why did you marry someone with children? Don’t you know this is what you will go through!
she asked her..

“no oo. It was my mother ooh. She asked me to marry him ooh”

she acknowledged the fact that she normally fights with my dad and as a result was used to hiding his things – pen, wallet and other things due to anger. The police officers burrowed on her assertions and linked her with the stolen money but she declined it and instead passed the bulk on us the children, for the loss.

i cried bitterly that day, i was trying to explain myself to my dad but he never listened and left us there instead. My uncles visited and tried to bail us out but he refused until the truth comes out. We stayed there till late evening raining curses on our step mum. My dad later that evening granted them permission to release us to be ready for an oath swearing the next day. We all will swear an oath!

i went home from the police station and explained everything to my mum.
“so you will all swear an oath tomorrow”
“yes” i replied and she didn’t say anything further.

the next morning, we went to meet our dad for the oath swearing.

to be continued..

A life story saturated with intrigues, controversies and life struggles.

written by: ©️Emeka Nwobu

stay tuned for more.

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