Day: January 13, 2025
The Divorce episode 19
The Divorce Episode Nineteen Diana had been devastated after she mistakenly signed the documents that led to the sell of the company. She has been indoors for many days. After two weeks of staying indoors, she got a call from Joan from London. “We have received a report of what happened. I trusted you and […]
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The Divorce Episode Eighteen It is now more than 24 hours since Tekena was sacked from his job and he and his wife were also asked to leave the company’s house. He decided to work for himself instead of working for people endlessly. He also decided that he was going to establish a business instead […]
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The Divorce Episode Seventeen After Tekena was fired from his job by Diana, he prepared his mind for other revenge tactics to be executed by Diana. So, it was not surprising to him that when Diana returned from her office, she asked them to move out of the company’s house. In fact, Tekena and his […]
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The Divorce Episode Sixteen When Diana walked into the office and announced to her husband that he had been sacked from the establishment, he was taken aback. He started wondering what gave her the power to make such a pronouncement. However, he saw that Diana looked serious and wasn’t joking. “I said you have been […]
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The Divorce Episode Fifteen Diana confronted Ada, questioning her about her actions at the hospital. Ada was in the kitchen cooking when Diana walked in. “You think I wouldn’t find out?” Diana asked. Her facial expression was serious and her presence was commanding. She stood beside Ada as if she wanted to push her into […]
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The Divorce Episode Fourteen Diana and Joan got to the hospital the next day without knowing the game which Ada had played with the lab technician. Joan picked up the DNA test result and opened it right in the hospital. Diana was very excited as she was fully convinced that it was Jones who got […]
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The Divorce Episode Thirteen Ada, Tekena’s new wife eavesdropped and overheard Diana and Joan talking about the DNA test. She was threatened and worried. Her mind stared racing about the possibility of what could happen if the DNA test eventually proves that Diana’s baby belongs to Jones whose father owns the company where her husband […]
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The Divorce Episode Twelve It has been one week since Diana got to know that her husband Tekena got married to a new wife which he brought into the house as a house maid and also got her pregnant. The discovery devastated her and almost gave her acute hypertension. She was barely taking care of […]
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The Divorce Episode Eleven “So you got another woman pregnant? Not just another woman, the woman you brought into the house as our house maid?” Diana was furious when she heard all that Tekena said to her. Her heart flew into her belly. She had all along known that her husband knew she was cheating […]
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The Divorce Episode Ten It took almost 24 hours before Diana gave birth to her baby. It was very difficult for her since it was her first baby. She remained in the labour room until 6 pm the next day. At some points, the nurses asked her to walk around the hospital premises to ease […]
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The Divorce Episode Nine One week to Diana’s expected delivery date, Jones told her something she never expected would happen. She visited him one Saturday evening to cool off in his house when he broke the news that effectively ruined her weekend. “I have been transferred to the UK to take over our London branch. […]
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The Divorce Episode Eight Tekena tiptoed quietly into the room reserved for his new wife who everyone knew as their house maid. The time is around 10 pm in the night and Diana had slept off. He left Diana in the bedroom and went in to pass spend some time with the house maid. The […]
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The Divorce Episode Seven Months have passed since Diana started doing something with Jones. She and Jones have been regular visitors to the bedroom. They were doing it like newly married couple and Diana was enjoying it. She woke up one morning and realized she had not seen her monthly visitor. It was late for […]
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The Divorce Episode Six here was an early morning staff meeting at Jones’ office and every senior staff was in attendance. Tekena was also there. As the meeting was going on, he realized his phone was about to go off because it only had one per cent of battery power remaining. He was happy that […]
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The Divorce Episode Five Tekena drove into the church premises and found everywhere empty. There was no one in the church. He was wondering if he made a mistake or if he had come to the right church. “Is this not our church?” Tekena asked himself as he checked the sign board again to be […]
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The Divorce Episode Four “You are sleeping over. I mean you are not going back to your husband’s house today. You will go tomorrow morning. I want us to enjoy this night as well. When I finish with you this night, you can go back to your husband’s house in the morning.” Jones tells Diana […]
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The Divorce Episode Three ( writing by Israel Usulor Stories ) Dianna was left in total confusion as to how to handle the situation she found herself in. Throughout the day, she was not in her right frame of mind as she kept weighing her options. Essentially, she was in a cul-de-sac. “If I reject […]
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The Divorce Episode Two When Tekena went for the interview at the oil company, it was a total walkover for him because his wife had softened the grounds the previous day. The company manager picked him for the job and he was asked to resume work the following day. The interview did not even happen, […]
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The Divorce
The Divorce Episode One ( writing by isreal Ursula) Diana has suffered a great deal since Tekena, her husband lost his job six months ago. Though they don’t don’t have children yet, it has been hell on earth trying to feed themselves. It was as if the company Tekena was working for was waiting for […]
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